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Chapter 11 Delicious and Delicious Red Shrimp Cub

    Su Ke held a mouthful of vegetable and fruit salad, sitting there blankly, even his eyes were frozen.

    Just now, something terrible happened just now...

    "Have you finished eating?" Pei Ke leaned on the sofa, twisted his fingertips without a trace, and then turned to look at Su Ke.

    With vegetable and fruit salad bulging on both sides of her cheeks, Su Ke stared like a hamster-eating hamster, and closed her mouth carefully.

    The pink lips were moist and with a cold touch, Su Ke seemed to be able to feel the touch when the finger touched her lips just now, and it was numbly charged with electricity.

    "Gumbling" swallowed the vegetable and fruit salad in his mouth, and Su Kona said: "Eat, finish..."

    "Boss Pei, did you raise that? Where did you get that one? Appetite? It's so good!" Before Su Ke finished speaking, Pei Ke's laptop suddenly heard a loud voice.

    "Bang!" closed the laptop, Pei Ke turned to look at Su Ke and said: "Bring the script from the window sill."

    "Oh." Su Ke nodded his head obediently, and then got up and moved it to the window sill. Helped Pei Ke take the script of.

    Pei Ke leaned on the sofa, did not accept the script in Su Ke's hand, only took the fork in the white porcelain bowl and took a bite of the fruit and vegetable salad and said: "Do you know what you are acting?"

    Su Ke watched. Pei Ke put a sip of the vegetable and fruit salad dipped in the dense salad dressing into his mouth, and secretly took a breath: "Play, play a stray cat that was adopted."

    "Yes." Swallowing the fruits and vegetables in his mouth. Salad, Pei Ke raised his hand and pointed to the piano shelf on the other side, and said: "Take the box above."

    "Oh." Su Ke turned around and brought Pei Ke over the box on the piano shelf. .



    Pei Ke said and ordered, and Su Ke obediently followed.

    Inside the exquisite box are a pair of cat ears and a cat tail. The cat ears and cat tail are made extremely realistic. When Su Ke touches it, it only feels real.

    "These are simulated cat ears and cat tails, and they will move when you wear them on your body." While talking, Pei Ke extremely naturally ate all the vegetables and fruit salad and steak that Su Ke ate in front of him.

    Generally speaking, Su Ke will not eat anything left, but because Pei Ke is sitting opposite her today, she is really embarrassed to show her appetite again, so she left the food for the rest, when she was about to leave. Pack it again cheeky.     But he didn't want Great God Pei to cherish food and be close to the people so much, not to care about her saliva, and use the fork she used to eat all the rest of her food, and there was nothing left, more compact than her.     "Put it on." Wiping his mouth, Pei Ke got up from the sofa, then took the cat ears out of the box and handed it to Su Ke, "Wear it by myself, or I will help you."     "I, I will do it myself. Okay." Taking the cat ears and tail from Pei Ke's hands in a hurry, Su Ke carefully put the cat ears on her head.     "It's crooked." Pei Ke took a step in Su Ke's direction, and then reached out to help her straighten the cat's ears and said: "The hair needs to be put down."     After that, Pei Ke did not wait for Su Ke's reaction, and directly tied her up. The raised hair was let down.     Su Ke's hair follows her mother. Her mother is from the south of the Yangtze River. She has been raised since she was a child. Her hair is as smooth as satin. If it is not ironed or dyed, she can go directly to the shampoo advertisement.     Slender and white fingers slowly slid down Su Ke's soft and long hair, moving gently and slowly, slightly ambiguous.     Su Ke lowered her head and felt Pei Kona's breathing sound sprayed on her ears. It was gentle and steady, with an elegant mint fragrance. Su Ke took a deep breath and felt that she was really the cat who sucked catnip. , I wish I could soften to the ground and roll all over.     "Okay." Slowly helped Su Ke tidy her hair, Pei Ke twisted her hair end and said: "The hair is pretty good, but the hair ends are split. Let the makeup artist fix it tomorrow."

    "Um...oh." Su Ke shook her lips lifelessly, not even speaking.

    Hearing Su Ke's vibrato voice, Pei Ke lowered his head, and saw the little thing flushed with a face, and a pair of white hands twisted in front of his abdomen, like two white cotton swabs. Taste it in your mouth.

    Withdrawing his hand inserted in Su Ke's hair, Pei Ke moved his fingertips lightly, and the soft hair ribbon was stuck to his fingertips with some static electricity, as if he was reluctant to bear him.

    He gently hooked the corners of his lips without a trace, Pei Ke pulled away the few strands, and then took a step back slowly.

    After pulling away, Pei Ke clearly heard Su Ke's obvious gasp, very clearly in the silent room.

    "And the tail." With a smile in his eyes, Pei Ke pointed his finger at the cat's tail in the box.

    Hearing Pei Ke's words, Su Ke quickly took the cattail out of the box as if suddenly awake, and then nervously took it in his hand and said, "This, how do I put this on?"

    "Tie it behind the waist. That's it." Raising his hand and pulling out the cat's tail in Su Ke's hand, Pei Ke turned around and walked behind Su Ke and said: "How many pieces did you wear?"

    "Uh...four, four."

    "Take off the down jacket."

    "Oh." With a flushed face, she took off her long down jacket, and Su Ke squeezed her hand with some shame.

    "Turn it over."

    "...I, I can do it myself..." Before Su Ke finished speaking, she felt her shoulders tighten, and Pei Ke turned her direction abruptly.

    Standing with her back turned in front of Pei Ke, Su Ke suddenly felt that she was wearing a soft body behind her, her arms stretched out from behind, hugged her waist, and then helped her raise the sweater on her body. A section reveals the color of the warm clothing inside.

    "Isn't there four of them?" Pei Ke lowered his head and saw Su Ke's white neck hidden in the sweater, slender and tender, with white skin.

    "Uh...then, I, I'm wrong..." He kept talking, Su Ke stiffened and was half hugged by Pei Ke, the whole person was like a little red shrimp cub.

    Seeing the small white jade earlobes gradually extending into the crimson color, Pei Ke didn't pierce Su Ke's words, but smiled.

    With a "click", the cat's tail was tied to Su Ke's waist. Pei Ke took a step back to help her organize her clothes, and then said, "This is Dao Gu's props. I will use it tomorrow. In the past."

    "Oh." She lowered her head and pulled the cat's tail around her waist, and Su Ke couldn't help but stretched out her hand.

    The fluffy white cat's tail flicked with Su Ke's movements, as if it were real.

    Started by the sudden trembling of the cat's tail, Su Ke's eyes rounded and shrank back, and the pair of cat ears on his head also shook.

    The author has something to say:

    What I ate today is: Red Shrimp Cub Dao

    Pei: This is my cutie. You can only watch, not touch... No, you can't even look at it.

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