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Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 43

    After the live broadcast, Su Ke hurried into the room, looking at her neck and collarbone in the mirror.

    It was red there, and it looked like it was bitten by some bug, but where did the bugs come in this winter?

    "Little nest." There was a clear knock on the door of the room. Su Ke heard the sound and quickly got up to open the door.

    "This is ointment, you can apply it to your wound." Pei Ke leaned on the door frame and handed the ointment in his hand to Su Ke: "Try it first and it doesn't work. If it doesn't work, I'll take you to the hospital. "

    I got bitten by bugs, so I don't need to go to the hospital." Su Ke raised his hand and touched his neck, then let Pei Ke come in sideways and said: "Come in and sit."

    "Okay." Pei Ke also You're welcome, stepped on the slippers on your feet and entered Su Ke's room.

    Su Ke's room has been cleaned up by Ji Hong. It looked very clean. Pei Ke sat on the tatami casually, and then reached out and pulled the quilt curled up on the tatami.

    "I, I haven't laid the quilt yet." Seeing the quilt in Pei Ke's hand, Su Ke quickly stepped forward to sort the quilt.

    Kneeling on the tatami, Su Ke raised his hand to spread the thick bedding on the tatami.

    Heavy winter quilts, Sook strength is not big, not quite put quilt distraction, Pei Ke hand pull up on the other side of a corner, and then his hands behind ring Sook said: "let me help you."

    Pei When Ke spoke, his head rested on Su Ke's shoulder, and the sound of Wen Tun's breathing hit her neck, delicate and ambiguous.

    Su Ke shrank her neck subconsciously, and then said with a blushing face: "It's okay, I can do it myself."

    "You are weak, let me help you." After that, Pei Ke has both hands and the quilt is Spread out flat on the tatami.

    "Do you want to stack it up or spread it?"

    "Just, just spread it like this, you still have to sleep at night anyway." Su Ke wrung a pair of bare hands, bent out of Pei Ke's arms, and then took the ointment on the side and went into the bathroom. Apply ointment." The ointment that

    Pei Ke gave to Su Ke was in foreign languages. Su Ke couldn't understand it. She squeezed out a little and applied it on the neck and collarbone. The cool ointment had no peculiar smell, but only a little light. Fragrance, very comfortable when applied to the skin.

    "Xiaowo." Pei Ke knocked on the door of the bathroom, his voice muttered: "Want to drink green bamboo wine?"

    "Green bamboo wine? What is that?" Su Ke opened the bathroom door, with ointment on his neck. Haven't even wiped it.

    Pei Ke stretched out his hand to help Su Ke smooth the ointment on his neck, and then slowed down a bit and said, "I'll know when I go." The

    slender, white fingers touched Su Ke's gentle touch with a little cool touch. On the skin, it was as smooth as silk, Pei Ke could even feel the numbness at the fingertips.

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