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Chapter 7 Melaleuca Coconut Milk Cake

    "Does it look good?" The man still wears a mask, and his voice is a little dull when he speaks, but it is still pleasant to hear.

    Su Ke blushed and dared not say anything, she rushed back to the dressing room.

    "Quickly, it's time." Ji Hong urged humanity without discovering Su Ke's abnormality.

    Sitting cross-legged behind the coffee table with a blushing face, Su Ke panicked fiddling with the horseshoe cake in front of him, then took a deep breath and looked up at the camera in front of him.

    "I ate cold noodles and horseshoe cakes today, because they were broadcast live outside, so they are a bit crude, I hope you don't mind."

    "Ah!!! Xiaowo, look at me!"

    "Take it, don't look."

    "Wa, Money."

    "The first bite of the contract!"

    "Each meal costs ten jin, what a decent way this is!"

    Su Ke opened her mouth, and immediately flicked a row of messages on the screen.

    Squeezing the special iron chopsticks in his hand, Su Ke smiled and tasted the cold noodles first.

    "Well... this cold noodle is very chewy, cool and light, and it slips down the throat when you eat it. The beef broth is also delicious. After adding tomatoes, it is sour and sweet, a bit like tomato sirloin. Here is also served with cold dishes, apple shreds, cucumber shreds and coriander."

    "I have another horseshoe cake. I heard that this is coconut milk mille-layer horseshoe cake...well, it's all coconut milk powder on it. The milk flavor is so strong. Ah, it's sweet and fragrant and delicious..."

    "Hold my salted duck egg and cry... Ah, it's so salty..."

    "It means that Fujianese are the best. The skin is fragrant and the meat is tender and melts in the mouth..."

    " I took a bite upstairs and slid."

    "Let it loose, use your hands."

    "Let it

    loose, use your mouth." "Let it loose, use a magic wand."

    Chewing the soft horseshoe cake in his mouth, Su Ke looked at the message on the screen and narrowed his eyes.

    The door of the dressing room squeaked open, and the man with the thermal insulation box in his hand walked in wearing a mask. When he saw Su Ke inside, his eyes moved slightly.

    Looking at the man standing at the door of the room with bulging cheeks, Su Ke's mouth was greasy and was covered with powdered sugar on horseshoe cake.

    Turning to close the door of the dressing room, Pei Ke walked to the side of the wooden table, and then slowly took off the mask on his face.

    Because it was the reason why Su Ke was facing Su Ke, Su Ke couldn't see Pei Ke's front face. She only felt that the man's side face under the soft black hair was very familiar.

    Pulling out the bench and sitting down, Pei Ke opened the heat preservation box in front of him. Inside, there was a lunch exactly like Su Ke, cold noodles with sweet and sour beef broth and horseshoe cake with coconut milk.

    After swallowing the horseshoe cake in his mouth, Su Ke turned back to his eyes and continued to live broadcast undividedly, picking out a few message questions from time to time to answer.

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