
32 1 0



Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 48:

    A bunch of relatives whispered around Su Ke. Su Ke sat there with a good-tempered smile, and didn't take their words seriously. After all, she would listen to them every year when she came back. She was used to it.

    "Nest, do not let people sit down." Su went to the hands of the mother holding hot tea in front of Runner said: "Come on, the cold outside, thank you to send us back to nest ah, eat a cup of tea."

    "Do not Now." Ahu refused with a cold face, then bowed to Su Ke and turned out of the ward.

    The tall man with Ahu's long body is full of muscles, which is like a wall and it is quite stressful. When those relatives saw Ahu's movements, they stopped talking for a moment, and waited until he was gone. Continue to speak one after another.

    Su Ke sat beside her grandmother's bed and handed her a cup of hot water.

    Grandma held Xiao Hei in her arms and waved her hand, childishly put her face on Xiao Hei's body and fell asleep.

    Su Ke helped her tuck the quilt, then turned her head and looked at Mother Su and said, "Mom, I'll be here to watch the night tonight."

    "I don't need you, please hire a nurse." The aunt sitting on the side heard Su. Ke quickly waved his hand and said: "It's more than two thousand yuan a month."

    The money for the caregiver is shared equally by all relatives, and it is a matter of hundreds of yuan for each person.

    "Oh." Su Ke nodded and stopped talking.

    She was not a talkative person. Talking to people is no better than talking to herself on the screen. Su Ke knows that she can't speak, so she tries to talk as little as possible for fear that saying the wrong things will annoy people.

    Because grandma was asleep, everyone sat for a while and left. Su Ke and Su Mu went downstairs to the hospital, where Ahu was waiting.

    "Please get in the car." Seeing Su Ke coming out from the gate of the hospital, Ahu hurried forward and said: "Mr. asked me to take Miss Su home."

    "Ah, thank you." Su Ke was stunned and said: "He is there. Are you in the car?"

    "Mr. has gone back to the hotel to rest."

    "Oh." Su Ke nodded, feeling a little disappointed. She turned to look at Mother Su and said in a soft voice: "It's my boyfriend's friend, saying he wants to send us back."

    "Oh, that's so embarrassing, it's okay. Yes, we can take a taxi and go back." When Su Ke heard what Su Ke said, Su's mother hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Brother, hurry up and go back. Be careful when driving on the road so late, we can go back by ourselves."

    "No trouble." Tiger bowed and finished, then raised his hand and opened the door behind him.

    Su Ke stretched out his hand and took La Su’s mother and said: "Mom, they came here to deliver it. Let's get in the car."

    "Oh, then okay." Following Su Ke's hand and got into the car, Su’s mother kept charging. Ahu thanked him and said, "Trouble you, brother."

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