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Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 30

    In the hotel room, Pei Ke had already waited inside, and Ji Hong was sitting opposite him and was talking to him.

    Su Ke brought the morning tea in his hand, first greeted Ji Hong, and then gave Pei Ke a sneaky glance.

    Pei Ke leaned on the sofa. He always seemed to be lazy, with narrow eyes narrowed slightly on his white face, and the corners of his eyes drooped, showing a sense of fatigue.

    Could it be that I didn’t rest last night?

    Staring at Pei Ke suspiciously for a moment, Su Ke tilted his head and looked strange.

    "Xiaowo, what is this? Why does it look like panna cotta?" Ji Hong took the ginger and scooped a spoonful of milk, and was immediately attracted by the strange smell.

    "Well, why is it sweet and spicy?"

    "This is ginger milk, it should be added with ginger juice, so it has this taste, but although it tastes strange, it is very warm to the stomach, this kind of cold weather That's right."

    After that, Su Ke handed another ginger milk to Pei Ke and said: "Do you want to taste it?"

    "Okay." Pei Ke raised his hand to take the ginger milk in Su Ke's hand, and Pei Ke looked down and scooped. He took a spoonful, then nodded and said, "Yes, it's delicious."

    "I just brought it from the hotel restaurant, and this thin-skin shrimp dumpling, you have one."

    Put the thin-skin in the plastic box The shrimp dumplings were handed to Ji Hong and Pei Ke respectively. Su Ke sat next to Ji Hong and said, "I just ate one. It was delicious. You can try it too."

    "This skin is really thin." Ji Hong held it. Chopsticks picked up a thin-skin shrimp dumpling, looked at the crystal-clear thin-skin sigh, and then took a bite.

    "Well, yes, I still like this shrimp dumpling. It tastes better than ginger and milk."

    "Sister Ji Hong will eat more."

    "Yeah, you can also eat Xiaowo." The

    three of them were eating breakfast, suddenly the door of the room There was a knock on the door, Su Ke wiped his hands and got up to open the door.

    Standing outside the door of the room was the middle-aged man Su Ke met in the dining room just now. He held an envelope in his hand and didn't know what was in it.

    "Miss Su, do you have time to have a meal together?" Looking at Su Ke with a smile, the middle-aged man handed her the envelope in his hand.

    Suspiciously reaching out to take the envelope, Su Ke took out the contents and took a look.

    I saw that the envelope was full of photos. The pictures were all the pictures of her sitting with the middle-aged man in the hotel restaurant just now, and probably because of the shooting angle, Su Ke and the middle-aged man looked very close. .

    "Don’t get me wrong, Miss Su, I didn’t let people shoot this. A paparazzi just wanted to use this thing to blackmail me some spare money. Presumably that paparazzi hasn’t found Miss Su yet?"

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