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Chapter 25

    Reaching out to take the cheese stick in Pei Ke's hand, Su Ke took one out and put it in his mouth.

    The cheese sticks should have just been taken out of the refrigerator, and they were still a bit firm. Su Ke took a bite and held it in her mouth. The thick cheese flavor wrapped in the milky aroma, instantly spreading in the mouth.

    Pei Ke stretched out his hand and put the cheese stick that Su Ke had bitten half of his hand into his mouth, and then said softly, "Yes, it's delicious."

    Su Ke raised his hand and looked up at Pei Ke. When he met his smiling eyes, he lowered his eyes subconsciously.

    "Rose fried dumplings are ready, let's put them in the pan." Put the rolled rose fried dumplings on the plate, and Su Ke took it and walked to the pan.

    "What do you want to do?" Raising his hand to tie another apron to his body, Pei Ke stood next to Su Ke and said, "Do you want to pour oil?"

    "I want, but fire first."

    "I'll pour oil. How much do you pour?" Picking up a bottle of oil from the side, Pei Ke unscrewed the cap on it.

    "Just spread the bottom of the pot."

    "Yeah." Pei Ke responded softly, slowly poured the oil in his hand into the pot, and then dialed Su Ke aside with one hand and said, "Beware of the oil splashing. "It's

    okay, just take a lid to block it." Picking up the lid on the side, Su Ke cautiously placed a rose fried dumpling in the pan.

    The flour dipped in water and touched the oil, making a string of oil splashes, and Su Ke quickly shrank her hands.

    "I'll do it." Pei Ke slowly put the rest of the fried dumplings into the pan after reaching for the lid in Su Ke's hand.

    "I want to add water." Hurrying to bring the pre-prepared water to Pei Ke's side, Su Ke smelled the diffuse fragrance and said: "You must press it down and add it in a circle."

    "So?" Pei Ke dumped the water in Ke's hand into the pot along the side of the pot.

    Wok oil water contact, "thorn Lala" sound accompanied by a burst of white smoke emerging, Sook raise the volume a bit and said: "This is it, well, can be covered with a lid."

    Raising his hand to hand Putting the lid on the pot, Pei Ke looked at the rose-fried dumplings that were "stabbing" inside the pot, lowered his head slightly and said, "If you use red dough, it will look more like roses."

    "Rose also has a white rose Well, so good read." Staring at the inside of the pan fried dumplings rose closer look, Sook suddenly "it" a cry:. "Did not add shallot '

    ?" Shallot "hear Sue For Ke, Pei Ke raised his hand and took out a handful of green onions from the refrigerator and said, "Is this?"

    "That's it." Reached out and took the green onion in Pei Ke's hand, Su Ke chopped it up and placed it in a small dish. Then he turned his head and said to Pei Ke: "You help me open the pot."

    Pei Ke stepped forward and lifted the lid of the pot. The steaming mist spurted out, covering Su Ke's face.

    Being scalded to the tip of her nose, Su Ke hurriedly rolled her head, then sprinkled the spring onions in her hand on the rose fried dumplings, and finally added water again.

    "Okay, you can cover it." After wiping the shallots on his hands, Su Ke looked at Pei Ke who was smiling in front of him, and suddenly covered his mouth and said, "Well, do you eat onions?"

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