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Chapter 26

    After eating, Pei Ke and Su Ke stood in the kitchen and cleaned the dishes together.

    "You don't need to wash it yourself, there is an automatic dishwasher." Putting the dishes in the automatic dishwasher, Pei Ke turned to help Su Ke wipe the grease on his hands and said: "How are you eating?"

    "Yeah." Ke nodded, then glanced at the automatic dishwasher and said: "Can it be washed clean?"

    "It will be automatically disinfected, it should be cleaned better than yourself."

    "Oh." Su Ke nodded, then turned around. handwashing.

    The warm water flowing on Su Ke's white and greasy hands made the fingertips rosy and tender with steam, which was very beautiful.

    "Apply some hand cream." Pei Ke, who didn't know where to take out a tube of hand cream, squeezed one out and rubbed it on his hand, then raised his hand to hold Su Ke's hand and rubbed it slowly: "My own home Adjusted hand cream, try to see if it works."

    "Own home?" Su Ke blushed and tilted her head strangely when she heard Pei Ke's words.

    The slender and fair palms covered Su Ke's small hands, and wrapped it softly and greasyly, as if rubbing a ball of flour, and with a little effort, it seemed that it was about to melt away from the palm.

    "The new product just came out in the laboratory." After speaking, Pei Ke handed the hand cream in his pocket to Su Ke and said: "You can try it for a few days, and change it if it doesn't work."

    "...Thank you. "Reaching out to take the hand cream, Su Ke squeezed her hand, then carefully put it in her pocket.

    "By the way, Director Gu called just now to say there is a night scene at night." Looking down at Su Ke's little white hands, Pei Ke said in a low voice, "Don't forget."

    "Is the night scene? What time is it? ??" Putting the hand cream in his hand, Su Ke raised his eyes to look at Pei Ke in front of him.

    "Nine o'clock."

    "Oh, then now..."

    "Now at eight o'clock, you go back to pack up your things and ask your agent to bring more ginger tea and clothes. It may be taken late." Taking Su Ke's words, Pei Ke turned around and took out another box of strawberries from the refrigerator. Said: "Take it back and eat it."

    "Thank you. " Taking the strawberry from Pei Ke's hand shyly, Su Ke's face was red.

    She came this time, how did she move everything back...

    "We are already lovers, needless to say thank you, and your tofu cheese roulade is also delicious." Raising her hand to touch Su Ke's little head, Pei Ke led people to the door of the room and said: "I'll take you back."

    "No, I'll just go back by myself." Hearing Pei Ke's words, Su Ke waved her hand quickly, and put on her shoes in a panic.

    "This is the boyfriend's responsibility." Taking Su Ke's hand, Pei Ke took everything she was holding in her arms into his own hands, then opened the door in front of him and

    Pei Ke took his hands into the elevator. Su Ke stretched out her hand to wrap her down jacket, and looked around with her dark black eyes.

    "No one sees it, don't worry." Noting Su Ke's expression, Pei Ke chuckled softly: "You will go back after I deliver it."

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