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Chapter 5 Soft Semi-cooked Cheese

    The live broadcast ended in a muddle-headed manner. Su Ke watched as Ji Hong sent the man out with a smile, staring at the man's back as if looking at the God of Wealth.

    Sitting blankly behind the solid wooden table, the marble soda on Su Ke's chest melted into the wool, looking like it was stained with a rich aunt's color.

    "Nest, that's your boyfriend how I have not seen??" Hong Ji Sook side for garbage pick up really wooden table top, while excited: "? Is not sick, how wearing masks."

    "That It's... the neighbor on the opposite side." Whistling and picking up the man's prayer beads, he told Ji Hong about the man helping himself to cook takoyaki. Su Ke lay down on the sofa behind her chest, her face flushed.

    Without noticing what was wrong with Su Ke, Ji Hong shook his head regretfully and said: "This year you are twenty-five, it is time to find someone to talk to, I see that person is still good."

    "Sister Ji Hong, you just met. The human side is so early to make a conclusion."

    "Your sister Ji Hong has a lot of knowledge, and you can show you a ugly man with a sweep of her glamorous eyes. I will tell you that the clothes this man wears and the Buddhist beads on his hands can They are all good things, and their worth...tsh..."

    Ji Hong not only brought Su Ke, an Internet celebrity, but also had some little stars in her hands, so she would go to the set from time to time. When I saw this man, I knew that this man was definitely not waiting for idlers.     "The last time I saw Chen Yinghou's boyfriend, it was the rich second generation who also wore such a string of Buddha beads in his hands. I heard that, with just such a string of beads, hundreds of thousands of them could not be put down.     " Sister Ji Hong, there are so many fakes now, I can go to a certain treasure and I can get you a dozen or so strings."     ""     "Alright, let’s talk about the advertisement today. So, is the negotiation done?" Su Ke pressed the pillow beside him when he interrupted Ji Hong.     "It's settled, but the time schedule is relatively urgent. After all, it is a small company with limited funds. The place to rent for advertising will only be three or four days. We will rush over tomorrow."

    "Then I'm going to pack things." Getting up from the sofa, Su Ke rubbed her chubby belly and said: "Ah, it's good to eat."

    "I'll go for a run in the rest for a while. I'll pack things for you . I will get up early tomorrow. Don't sleep on the bed."

    "I know." When Su Ke passed by the full-length mirror in the corner, he subconsciously took a look at the makeup on his face.

    There are no flowers... still pretty pretty, right?

    Early the next morning, Su Ke was picked up by Ji Hong from the bed to shoot an advertisement.

    The place where the advertisement was filmed was a bit far from Su Ke's home. Ji Hong had already booked the hotel, but the two of them received a call from Manager Li just as they moved their things into the hotel room.

    Manager Li, sweating profusely, came to the hotel in person and said excitedly to Su Ke: "Miss Su, Tiansheng Group invested in our public service advertisement. The shooting venue and hotel have been changed. I will take you there.

    " Tiansheng Group?" Su Kejiu's house is really not clear about these business matters.

    "Ms. Su doesn't know about Tiansheng Group? Tiansheng Group makes a fortune by stocks and real estate. It is a well-known large group. Now it mainly develops entertainment, film and television, and it accounts for half of the entertainment and film industry."

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