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Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 51

    I have to say that Pei Ke is worthy of being a hanger in a hanger. Wearing any clothes on his body makes people reluctant to look away as if they have spent gold.

    "I'll help you hang up the clothes, and it should be done in a few hours." After that, Su Ke hugged Pei Ke's clothes and went down to the balcony on the second floor.

    Su's mother was teaching Su Yuhang on the balcony. Su Yuhang stood in the corner with her face closed, and the slippers on her feet were wet with water stains.

    "Mom, the dog left the child slippers wet, you help him enchant a pair of slippers it." Sook stays in the hands of the clothes on the coat hanger, then turned to the mother Sue said: "Beware of cold."

    "Go If you have hands and feet, you can change it yourself." Mother Su slapped Su Yuhang's head, and said clearly: "Make trouble again, watch out for the old lady to beat you."

    Su Yuhang put his head together and went out of the balcony. After Mother Su couldn't see herself, she ran away quickly.

    "Oh, this is Xiaoke's clothes?" Mother Su stepped forward and squeezed the clothes on the hanger, her eyes widened in sigh and said: "What about such a good material."

    "Mom, can this dress be done today? "

    Well...not necessarily, the sun doesn't look very good today. It's okay. If you don't do it, you can dry it with a hair dryer." After speaking, Mother Su reached out and pushed Su Ke: "Go and go. , Chat with Xiao Ke, don’t get in the way here.”

    After speaking, Mother Su pulled the balcony door and pushed Su Ke in.

    Su Ke slowly returned to the attic on the third floor and saw Pei Ke sitting at her desk flipping through the books on it.

    "Hey, you, what are you looking at? This is someone's sex." Su Ke hurried up to grab the book in Pei Ke's hand and said: "You, why don't you respect other people's sex? It's still the big boss."

    "Sorry, I'm just curious about what the old nest was like." Pei Ke leaned on the desk with one hand, and smiled at Su Ke in front of him.

    "Don't laugh." Holding the book in his arms, Su Ke glanced down at the girly cover of the tender pink and pink, and turned around embarrassedly: "Who doesn't have any memories of the girl yet."

    At that time, Su Ke was very popular in high school. This kind of overbearing prince fell in love with me. Su Ke was affected, and she bought several copies and hid under the covers.     "Well, very young girl." After speaking, Pei Ke suddenly got up from the desk, and then pressed Su Ke on the wall and said: "So I like this way, Xiao Wo."     Pei Ke himself is very tall. When he leaned over to look at Su Ke in front of him, Su Ke only felt a pressure oncoming, very oppressive.     "That's it, I used to be ignorant..." Su Ke rolled his eyes, but when he was about to talk, the book in his arms was suddenly taken away by Pei Ke.     Throwing the book on the desk with a "pop", Pei Ke pinched Su Ke's chin with one hand and said: "Student Xiaowo, you successfully attracted my attention." It     's such a bad line, but no. Knowing why, speaking from Pei Ke's mouth, it is so heart-pounding.     Facing Pei Ke's dark eyes, Su Ke swallowed secretly: "Pei Ke..."     "Shh." Pei Ke stretched out a finger against Su Ke's lips, and Pei Ke grinned: "Woman, I allow you to be my slave."     Su Ke has never seen this look of Pei Ke, because in front of Su Ke, Pei Ke has always been very gentle, even if he occasionally eats some small tofu. It will only make Su Ke blush and be ashamed.     Pei Ke, with half-wet hair, supported the wall with one hand and stroking Su Ke's face with the other. His long and narrow eyes were lightly raised, revealing a sharp gaze, like a beast staring at its prey, waiting for an opportunity.     "You, you..." Su Ke stared at Pei Ke in front of him, stammering speechless.     "Little slave, I want to call the master." Pei Ke leaned over, and his thin lips touched Su Ke's cheek lightly and said: "Otherwise, he will be punished."

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