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Chapter 18 The Cold Noodles That Shocked the Author

    The most popular Weibo search, "Former actor Pei Ke and his mysterious girlfriend", Weibo comments amounted to hundreds of thousands.

    The so-called top search is actually just a picture that is not very clear, but because Pei Ke’s face is facing the other side, the facial contours are very clear. Su Ke is buried in Pei Ke’s arms, unable to see her face, only cat ears on top of her head And cattail is very eye-catching.

    The comments are very hot-eyed, and most of the verbal abuse, because the male god suddenly appeared for many years, and he was actually arched by a cat-eared woman, which made many fans and netizens unacceptable.

    The power of netizens is powerful, and they use the clothes that Su Ke is wearing to pick her out.

    That day, Su Ke took off her down jacket, and the clothes she wore were printed with her cartoon version of the villain's portrait, which she once wore during the live broadcast.

    The cartoon version of the villain's portrait on the clothes in the photo is not very clear, but it can still be seen at a glance.

    The male god on the high altar was eaten and broadcasted by a small internet celebrity. Many netizens were very unconvinced. Even some female celebrities secretly visited her Weibo. The number of Weibo fans of Su Ke rose sharply. , The straight doubled, nearly tens of millions, but compared to the meager people who eat melons, most of them are full of malice.

    "Little nest, don't look at it." Raising his hand to take his mobile phone from Su Ke, Ji Hong frowned and said: "These netizens are really full of food, and those vicious words are cursed."

    The comments were unsightly, saying that Su Ke was born on stage, and that Pei Ke was on her face. She also said that she did not hesitate to induce vomiting as an Internet celebrity to broadcast. There were even some decent people who took out the so-called Su Ke's unspoken rule to favor the guild. The screenshot of the president’s photo shows evidence that

    “the clearer is clear, the turbid one is turbid. When the advertisement is broadcast, they will understand.” Raising his hand and rubbing his face, Su Ke got up from the sofa and said: “Sister Ji Hong, to the live broadcast Time is up, what are you eating today?"

    "Xiaowo, or forget about today's live broadcast." Looking at Su Ke in front of him anxiously, Ji Hong said with an ugly face: "These netizens like to do nothing and do nothing every day. Jade, if you still open the live broadcast today, you can't figure out what's going on."

    "It's okay, I am doing the live broadcast, and people can't reach me through the screen." Su Ke looked at Ji Hong funny and said: "Sister Ji Hong , I’m going to be late if I don’t start again, and I promised to be seven o’clock in the evening."

    "Xiaowo, you don’t have to force yourself." Ji Hong still disagrees, because she knows exactly how cyber violence can simply destroy a person.

    These so-called netizens stand at the moral commanding heights and use the keyboard to accuse a person with a few introductory words from the media. They do not distinguish right from wrong, and use themselves as standards to guide the world in the virtual world of the Internet, thinking that they have become a pioneer in the world. Justice man.

    "I didn't force myself. I did eating and broadcasting at the beginning. I just thought it was a great thing to make people happy. Sister Ji Hong, I will not forget my original intention at that time. People who like me will continue me. Those who support me will continue to support me, and those who pass by cannot hurt me."

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