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Chapter 16 Fresh Flavor and Yellow Braised Chicken Rice

    "Is it the paparazzi?" Su Ke stood behind Pei Ke with his face covered, his face full of congestion.

    Pei Ke leaned against the window, squinted at the man who stumbled and ran away, and then slowly took out the phone from his pocket after a while.

    "Ling Ling Ling..." A piercing bell rang, the escaping person fell under his feet, and the camera in his hand almost fell to the ground.

    "Sun Yibao, smashed the camera within three seconds." Pei Ke said with a cold face, and said in a low voice: "One, two..." With a

    "frame chi", Pei Ke hasn't finished what he said. The man who stopped in the corner out of breath smashed the camera in his hand.

    "Pei Ke! How do you bastard know it's me!" An angry voice rushed into Su Ke's ears through the phone with a sense of familiarity. Su Ke was stunned for a moment before remembering this voice. She was still in Pei last night. Heard it in Ke's computer.

    Hanging up the phone blankly, Pei Ke turned around and walked back to the dressing room regardless of the howling ghosts inside.

    Su Ke followed Pei Ke and said cautiously: "That, God Pei..."

    "It's only three things." Suddenly, Pei Ke turned around and stared at Su Ke intently: "Call me Pei Ke."

    "Ah. ..." Su Ke stared at Pei Ke in front of him, her mouth opened slightly, and after a while, she blushed and mumbled: "Pei, Pei Ke."

    "What's the matter?" The voice contains the word "Peike", like a sweet fruit wrapped in honey, the taste is endless.

    "Do you know that person? Isn't it all right?" Su Ke wrung a pair of white hands, Su Ke was a little nervous.

    "Yeah." Replied indifferently. Pei Ke sat on the sofa aside, leaning there lazily and said: "What do you want to eat?"

    "What?" The subject was changed suddenly, and Su Ke was still a little bit unaware. react to.

    "Lunch." Pei Ke took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll let someone bring you what I want to eat."

    "No, Ji Hong has already prepared for me, and the crew's box lunch is also very good." Hearing Pei Ke's words, Su Ke waved his hand quickly.

    "Then eat this." Randomly tapped the phone screen, Pei Ke didn't seem to hear what Su Ke said.

    Standing there with a shy face, Su Ke was a little at a loss.

    When she met Great God Pei, there was a mass of paste left in her head...

    "Pei Ke!" With a sound of "Cang Dang", the door of the dressing room was opened forcefully, and the tightly wrapped man was against it. A yellow hair rushed in with a hideous face, shocking Su Ke.

    Lifting his foot against the man, Pei Ke opened his eyes slowly and glanced at him: "Negative film."

    "Pei Ke, you blood sucker! You profiteer!" The man stood three steps away from Pei Ke and jumped hard. , Seems to be very angry.

    "Bring it." Looking at the man with sharp eyes, Pei Ke said impatiently: "Otherwise I will divest."

    "Ah, your profiteer will threaten me with this..." The man squatted on the ground holding his head. , His complexion was extremely painful.

    "Humph." With a sneer, Pei Ke said with his arms around his chest: "Just your broken studio, I'll take money to feed the pigs."

    "You actually said I'm a pig!" The man jumped up from the ground angrily and bumped. The coffee table on the side "banged".

    "I was wrong. Pigs can be slaughtered and eaten when they are older. You can't even compare to pigs." With a hint of sarcasm, Pei Ke glanced at the man in front of him and said, "Sun Yibao, I never speak. I will say it the third time."

    Sun Yibao wrinkled a face aggrievedly, took out the film from the fragmented camera in his pocket and handed it to Pei Ke: "Here, here you are, blood suckers, the socialist people will not let you go. !"

    Sun Yibao started to jump angrily again after finishing giving the film.

    "Shut up." Pei Ke glanced at the noisy Sun Yibao disgustingly while squeezing the film in his hand.

    "Blood-sucking worm, you were holding her just now, and you are so fierce to me now, can't I be better than this woman?" Su Ke raised his hand and pointed to the side suddenly, and Sun Yibao clutched his chest and said: "No, I want to go too. Hug..."

    Su Ke stood there with a bewildered look, staring at the figure that Sun Yibao pounced at him, staring at a loss.

    "Ah, so cute, cat ears, oh, there are cat tails, blood-sucking worms, just let me hug..."

    Sun Yibao, who was suddenly pulled by Pei's collar and overturned to the ground, struggling to hug Put on Su Ke's calf.

    Su Ke was startled and kicked Sun Yibao in the face when she subconsciously pulled her leg.

    "Aw..." Sun Yibao rolled on the ground, his face in pain.

    "Sorry, are you okay?" Su Ke hurriedly bent over to see Sun Yibao's situation, but Pei Ke took the collar open.

    "Leave him alone." Raising his hand to straighten the cat ears on Su Ke's head, Pei Ke said in a low voice: "Ready to wash your hands and eat."

    Su Ke, who was picked up by Pei Ke for several meters, fell to the ground and opened. A pair of eyes, his complexion flushed.

    "Sir." The door of the dressing room was opened, and a man in a black suit and formal attire picked up the insulated box in his hand and said, "The yellow braised chicken rice you want." The

    yellow braised chicken rice? Hearing the man's words, Su Ke subconsciously raised his eyes and glanced at Pei Ke who was standing next to him.

    I feel that this kind of vulgar food does not match Pei Dashen very well...

    "Go and wash your hands." Touching the cat ears on Su Ke's head, Pei Ke suddenly leaned over and said: "Wash it clean." This is the

    first time that Pei Ke did this Su Ke, who was in close contact, subconsciously held a sigh of relief. Pei Ke’s eyes were filled with stars, and the breath of fresh mint lingered between his nose, and his low voice seemed to have The musical instrument with pure sound quality is delicate and attractive.

    It's over, she seems to have fallen...

    Piaohu was led by Pei Ke to wash her hands, Su Ke stared at the yellow braised chicken rice in front of her and sat on the sofa, her ears were red, because the bowl of yellow stewed chicken rice in front of her was more than one size larger than Pei Ke's. Times.


    Eat." Passing the chopsticks in his hand to Su Ke, Pei Ke said indifferently: "This is the new chopsticks." "Thank you." With his head lowered, he reached out and took the chopsticks in Pei Ke's hand, Su Ke's face was flushed. Spread, the whole white and greasy face is like half full of peach petals, white and pink, delicate and delicious.

    "Blood-sucking bugs, don’t you have my share?" Sun Yibao, who was holding his nose, got up from the ground with difficulty, and drew in front of Pei Ke slowly and said, "I haven’t eaten anything since I got off the plane. Am I hungry?"

    Pei Ke squinted at Sun Yibao in front of him, and said with a smile: "Pigs are thick."

    The author has something to say: The cute little who has eaten yellow braised chicken rice raises his hand! Our school’s chicken stew with mushrooms is simply a signature~ 呲呲呲~

    little cuties don’t collect Wenwenba~

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