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Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 27:

    At nine o'clock in the evening in the winter, it was very cold outside, and the dizzy yellow street lights shone on the smooth asphalt road, shooting layer after layer of light.

    Su Ke was wrapped in a down jacket, standing trembling behind Ji Hong and said: "Sister Ji Hong, it's so cold."

    "Come on, ginger tea." Pour a bowl of ginger tea from the thermos to Su Ke, Ji Hong Rubbing her hands vigorously for Su Ke: "I'll get you a hand warmer."

    "No need." Holding Ji Hong's hand, Su Ke shook his head and said, "It's too tiring to run back and forth. Now, I just put it in my pocket." After

    Su Ke finished speaking, the director Gu over there beckoned to her: "Xiaowo, come over and listen to me about the play."

    "Hey, here." Responding to Director Gu, Su Ke finished the ginger tea in the insulation cover in one sip, and then hurried to the side of Director Gu.

    Pei Ke was standing next to Su Ke wearing a mask. Seeing her cold red hands, he slowly took out a warm baby from his pocket and handed it to her.

    Reaching out and taking the warm baby in Pei Ke's hand, she put it in her palm, Su Ke blushed slightly, and the corners of her mouth turned involuntarily.

    "Cough." Seeing the small movements of Pei Ke and Su Ke, Director Gu gave a light cough, and then said: "This night scene is nothing, it's Pei Ke, you walk a little

    while holding the nest." While talking, Director Gu pointed his finger at a small stall selling bozai cakes standing on the corner of the street and said, "Go there and buy a bozai cakes to eat."

    "Oh." Su Ke nodded in a daze, then said. "Who is

    eating ?" "Both of them are eating." After that, Director Gu glanced at Pei Ke and said, "Peike, can't you?"

    "Yeah." Pei Ke nodded coldly, then took his face down. Put on the mask to make-up.

    Seeing Pei Ke walking away, Dao Gu bit his ear at Su Ke and said: "Pei Ke has a lot of problems. He didn't eat what others left behind. Don't mind if you wait for a while."

    "...I don't mind." Upon hearing Director Gu's words, Su Ke swallowed the sound of surprise from his mouth, opened his eyes slightly, and said his voice.

    Did she know all the fake Great God Pei before?

    The filming process went smoothly, but Su Ke was awkwardly held in Pei Ke's arms and walked for a while, always feeling a sense of erratic energy all over her body.

    "Young man, do you want to buy bozai cakes?" The veteran craftsmen who made the bozai cakes were made by Director Gu from outside. It is said that they have been doing this for decades and they have become old signs.

    Lu Kang stood in front of the old craftsman holding the kitten in his arms, his eyes were dark, he didn't say a word, his whole body was filled with depression and gloomy energy.

    Smelling the scent, the kitten curled up in Lu Kang's arms stretched out its claws and gingerly touched the bowl of cake outside.

    "Do you want to eat?" Noting the kitten's movements, Lu Kang finally spoke, his voice hoarse.

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