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Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 53:

    Seeing Pei Ke's expression, Officer Li knew that the matter had been revealed. He wanted to hit Pei Ke when he started, but he was punched violently by Ahu who rushed out from the side, and he collapsed to the ground instantly.

    The trafficker who was handcuffed just shook off the handcuffs, picked up a stone, and threw it in Su Ke's direction.

    Pei Ke lifted his foot and kicked the stone away, then stepped forward and kicked the trafficker to the ground.

    "Ahu, tie up the people and throw them to the police station."

    "Yes, sir." The tall and mammoth Ahu picked up the two human traffickers from the ground one by one, and then dragged them out of the alley.

    Su Ke took Su Yuhang's hand and stood aside, and hugged Su Yuhang's head tightly.

    "Rice bucket, I can't breathe..." Su Yuhang pulled Su Ke's hand away and poke his head out of her arms and said: "Brother-in-law is really amazing, just like Spider-Man."

    "Shut up." She patted Su Yuhang's head with her hand, and Su Ke suddenly woke up, her heart throbbed so hard, her whole body was soaked in sweat as if she had just been caught out of the water.

    If there was no Pei Ke just now, then the trafficker pretending to be a policeman still doesn't know where to get her and Su Yuhang.

    "Is it okay?" Pei Ke stepped forward and took Su Ke's hand, slowing his voice a little bit: "Is it scared?"

    "I didn't..."

    "The hands of the rice bucket are trembling." Su Ke was trembling all over, Su Yuhang seemed very calm. He raised Su Ke's hand and handed it to Pei Ke and said, "Here, brother-in-law, look."

    Su Ke, who was cut off by Su Yuhang, was red. With a face, he quickly retracted his hand.

    Pei Ke stretched out his hand, firmly took Su Ke's hand and put it in his clothes pocket, and then walked outside with someone: "I just saw there seems to be a cake shop over there, do you want to eat a cake? ?"

    "Cake! Oh, go eat the cake!" Su Yuhang waved with joy when he heard Pei Ke's words.

    Su Ke swallowed his jerky throat, feeling as if he needed something sweet to soothe his frightened mood.

    Pei Ke took Su Ke and Su Yuhang to a local bakery and cake shop. There were not many desserts in the cake shop. Su Ke picked three soymilk boxes and went straight out of the shop.

    Sitting in Pei Ke's car, Su Ke first wiped his hands for Su Yuhang, and then handed him the soymilk box in his hand, "Hey, eat it."

    "The rice bucket, why do I think yours is bigger than me? "Su Yuhang raised his head, peering into the soy milk box in Su Ke's hand.

    "Then I change it with you?" In fact, the soymilk boxes are all the same, so Su Ke doesn't mind changing with Su Yuhang.

    "...No, I still won't change it." Su Yuhang glanced at the soymilk box in his hand, then at the soymilk box in Su Ke's hand, and finally shook his head and said, "I think mine is too It's

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