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Chapter 4 Takoyaki

    After leaving Ji Hong and Manager Li to continue discussing the contract, Su Ke finally took a taxi back to Lianyiyuan under Ji Hong's instructions.

    Lianyi Garden is a mid-to-high-end residential area. The real estate is half open. It is said that security measures have been improved a lot after it was acquired half a month ago. Even the new property has regulations prohibiting vehicles from entering.

    The taxi couldn't get in, and Su Ke, who was blowing a cold wind all the way outside, walked into the elevator with her head shrunk, slamming on something under her feet abruptly.

    Bending over to pick it up, Su Ke tilted her head while looking at the string of sandalwood jade beads on her fingertips.

    It seems to be the man's thing?

    Slowly collecting the prayer beads, Su Ke felt that although the man didn't speak very well last time, who made her a good and helpful person.

    When the elevator went up to the fifth floor, Su Ke first knocked on the opposite door, but no one answered after waiting for a long time.

    "Not?" Leaning his head and looking into the cat's eye hole, Su Ke bulged her cheeks with her toes.

    Muttering and squeezing the jade beads in his hand for a moment, Su Ke took out a post-it note from his backpack, wrote the words and pasted it on the man's door, then turned back to his house.

    Randomly put the jade beads in his hand on the solid wood table, and Su Ke is ready to start the last live broadcast tonight.

    After changing clothes and applying light makeup, Su Ke sat on the solid wood table and set up her posture, put the prepared takoyaki machine on the solid wood table, and lined up the ingredients one by one.

    The live broadcast began, and netizens joined messages.

    "Last time I said I wanted to eat takoyaki, so today I am going to make takoyaki. The ingredients include cheese, mayonnaise, octopus, ham, coconut, and cream..." Picking up the ingredients at hand, Su Ke began to introduce them one by one. .

    "What the hell is butter!!!"

    "Wow, I saw the nest again, pay attention to rest~"

    "Can't afford to support, can't support, can't support..."

    "Can't afford +1"


    Ca n't afford +2" "Boss, let's have another three bags of spicy strips and five tea eggs, I can still eat!"

    Seeing the words on the screen, Su Ke smiled from the side. Ten milk lanes were taken out of the plastic bag: "I also prepared milk balls." The

    delicate milky white milk balls were added to the squeaky takoyaki, and the fragrance of milk overflowed, causing many netizens to swipe their screens. .

    "Poor and wicked den with dark dishes..."

    "I just finished watching a horror movie. Come and watch the den with shock."

    "The upstairs may have been scared to death, right?"

    "I'm so hungry. m..." In

    the middle of the live broadcast, Su Ke suddenly heard a knock on the door, she turned to look at the door, and then said: "Wait for me, someone knocks on the door, I'll go and see." She

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