The meeting

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Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I haven't been feeling the best but I'm feeling a lot better now. So I here is the next chapter.

Y/n POV at the meeting

You had just walked into the meeting room with Skye and Tina no one else was there so you guys started talking about the sleepover you where gonna have later that day. Soon Midas and Meowscles entered the room. They both sat down in there seats. Peely and Brutus ran into the room saying "sorry where late boss"  Midas nodded.

"Hello agents so as you may know we have a new agent y/n l/n. So this week I want all of us to spend the week training 1 because we have a new agent and 2 I want to just check up on everyone's skills. So every day we will have a different task so one day we might do gun shooting or 1v1s and anything like that. I will tell you the day before what we will be doing so in the morning we all can meet at the same place and have appropriate cloths. We will also be having Lynx joining us. Is there anything you wanted to ask?"
You and all the agents shook there head as a no.
"Ok I will need you all to get into groups of 4 and meet me in training room 2 in the morning at 7:30. Ok you all are now dismissed. Y/n can you stay behind please?"

Everyone started to leave the room except you your heart was racing because you didn't know what he wanted to talk about.

It was now just you and him in silence. You looked up at him and he smiled.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?"
You asked trying to hid how nervous you where.
He was about to say something then he saw the hickeys on your neck "wait did I do that?" He asked pointing to your neck. You nodded while giggling a tiny bit.
"OMG I'm so sorry what did the agents say when they saw it?"
"Well I told them that when they went to bed you soon fell asleep on the sofa. And I snuck out and went to Apri skies. I met a guy and we had a bit of fun."
"Ok ok. Cool. Anyway that's not the reason I asked you to stay back."
You heart started to pound faster into your chest again.
He started talking again "well you know last night we had a bit of fun in my room. Welllllll..... someone found out. Don't worry they promised they where not going to tell anyone."
"Well how did they find out if they heard us then the others would of heard us to." You weren't nervous anymore you weren't sure how you where feeling.
"Well they didn't hear us they found out a way that you probably wouldn't expect."
"So how did they find out and who is it by the way?" You asked getting inpatient.
"Meowscles is the one that found out. He was going to ask me what time the meeting was last night. So he knocked on the door and we didn't hear it because of you know." He quickly smirked and went back to what he was saying "he heard a mumble so he though I was telling him to come in so he did and he saw us doing it."
You started to blush hard at this your whole face was pure red. You nodded and said "oh ok"
"Don't worry about it he is for sure not going to tell anyone and he definitely isn't going to talk about it."
"Ok well um thank you for telling me"
"It's ok you deserve to know about that. Anyway we should go before people start getting suspicious. Girlie." He said the last part knowing it made your stomach do flips.

*time skip to break room*

"Hey there you guys are we where starting to get worried" Skye said with a cute smile on her face.
"Ok so agents have you made your groups?"
Meowscles replied "yes. Sir we have made are groups so we have me, Brutus, peely and Lynx in our group.
And in the other we have Skye, Tina, Y/n and you."
You where really happy that you would be working with Skye and Tine you would get to know them better even though you where having a sleepover with them later. Midas looked over at you and smirked you started to blush you didn't know why every time Midas did  something remotely cute or handsome you started to blush. Midas quickly said to the agents "ok so I am going to head to bed I will see you guys in the morning at 7:30 don't stay up to late I want you guys awake not half asleep." Everyone giggled a tiny bit and nodded.
Ok so how are you guys the next chapter will be the sleepover so that should be interesting. How are you guys? I hope you are doing well and I love to see your comments they make me laugh but yeah so I will make the next chapter in the morning and it should be up around this sort of time tomorrow. See ya later ✌️ baii

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