Peely and brutus

412 11 52

Peely pov;

You had just woken up half laying on Brutus but he didn't mind to much because he had a huge smile across his face and he was pulling you closer to him. With a croaky sleepy voice ,that turned you on, he said,

"Good morning my little banana"
"Good morning my sexy bear"
"Ahh so we are using them names"
"Yeah why not"

Your yellow hands started running across his bare chest while you carried on using him as a pillow. He looked down at you and kissed the end of your peel which was something else that turned you on slightly.

"Are you trying to turn me on?"
"If that's what I'm doing then yes"
"I love you"
"I love when you suck my dick but I also love you as well"
"Well I would do that but we have stuff to do"
"Sad times anyway what do we need to do?"
"We have to make sure all the weapons and that sort of stuff are ready you know the usual"
"Ahh makes sense so we should get ready then"
"Yep we should"

Getting out of the bed you remembered that you were wearing the really short shorts from last night when you and Brutus were messing about. Brutus saw them and you could see him licking his lips so you grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"Hey what was that for?"
"Looking at my shorts"
"Well they aren't covering much and it's hard to not look"
"Well you need to learn how to not look then"
"I think you will need to teach me"

You turned around to see a huge smirk across his face and you wanted to say yes so badly but you knew that you have to do the other stuff first otherwise Midas wouldn't be to happy considering that is your only job when you aren't doing missions.

"Brutus you need to get up both of us need to do what he we're asked and we could do that after"
"You promise we can do that later"
"Yes I promise"
"Ok let's go get some breakfast then, I don't know what I should have"
"I think you should have some cornflakes"
"What why?"

You started laughing because he didn't know the real reason cornflakes were made. He was really confused and was just looking at you while you were laughing.

"Peely why should I have cornflakes?"
"Ask google"
"Umm okay?"

He got his phone of the bedside table and started doing what ever he was doing until you heard some very specific sounds that sounded a bit like moaning.

"Brutus why the hell are you watching porn"
"I-I wasn't doing that"
"Then what were you doing"
"Well I opened Instagram and that was there"
"Apparently it's two people on a car near camp cod"

What he was saying you didn't think to much about until you remembered that y/n and Midas were at camp cod. You turned around with a huge smile looking at him.

"It was Midas and y/n wasn't it"
"I don't know I can't see it to well"
"Pass me your phone"
"Pass me your phone"

He passed you his phone to look at what he had found. When you went to zoom in it took you onto a YouTube video. You managed to zoom in and it did look like them two on the car.

You weren't 100% sure that it was them until you heard the moaning and the name calling which gave it away. You started smiling way more and wanted to carry on watching but you knew it would be a bad idea to do that.

"So is it them?"
"I think you are deaf"
"Maybe, am I correct thinking that's a yes then?"
"It's obviously a yes"
"Ok then let's watch it"
"I want to but I don't think we should"
"Why not?"
"Because they are our friends"
"Peely they are probably fine with it and they don't need to know about us watching they will probably ask us to help get it taken down"
"You have a point there"
"Come here"

He patted the part of the bed next to him so you walked over and he braced you with a hug. He was like a big teddy bear, he kissed your head again and said,

"Peely I think we should watch it they won't get mad at us for it and if they do I will take the blame"
"Let's do it then also don't worry you don't have to take the blame"

He started the video and the first thing you noticed was Midas massive cock you wanted to look away from it but couldn't. You could definitely see why
Y/n said it was a great bonus.

They were also on the front of the car which surprised you because Midas always seemed like he would always keep it private so no one could see. To be honest you were expecting them to be inside of the car if they were doing it there and not here.

Y/n moaning got louder and it started to sound like screaming, she was clearly enjoying it from her facial expression. Her eyes looked like they had rolled to the back of her head and you could slightly see the edge of her teeth biting her bottom lip.

Out of no were there was a huge grunt from Midas and it was completely different to how you expected it. You always thought it would of been a deep husky groan but it was more of a when you stub your toe groan.

Her legs where wrapped around his waist and you so badly wanted to shout "you go girl make him yours and let him know he ain't going anywhere" but she couldn't hear you and you also had Brutus next to you.

Suddenly both of you heard a scream coming from further down the hallway and you were going to go get Brutus to see what it was while you put some more appropriate clothing on but it sounded like some one had already gotten there.

You went back to looking at the video and Midas was biting his lip super hard with a look on his face looking like he wanted to go further and it was hot to you in a way. Suddenly you got this feeling and you stopped for a second thinking about it because he was sort of turning you on.

It was weird you had never felt this way before about Midas you started convincing yourself that wasn't happening and that it was just something else that you weren't sure about.

Quickly getting up you ran into the bathroom to be alone so you could think about it properly. You started thinking "no no this is not what's happening I am not getting turned on from him. It's probably just what they are doing. Yeah it's just what they are doing after all he is my boss, WAIT he is my boss"

It started to become harder to breathe until Brutus knocked on the door. You ignored it until he said,

"Peely you ok?"
"Yep fine couldn't be better"
"You don't sound it"
"I don't know why then"
"Let me in"
"What? I'm trying to go to the toilet"
"I know that's not what you are doing now let me In"
"The door isn't even locked"

He opened the door acting like he knew it was open the whole time. When he saw you on the floor and not being able to breathe he tilted his head slightly to the left.

"What happened?"
"I don't know"
"Ok let me rephrase that why does it seem like you are panicking"
"Because I think I am"
"Ok why are you panicking?"
"Promise you will still talk to me and won't get mad"
"Peely I need your juice to let me live and when have I ever gotten mad with you so what is it"
"Well I think Midas on that video turned me on slightly"
"I can totally see why you think this"

He moved his hands away to reveal a boner that had been made. You laughed slightly at that and he said,

"I don't think Midas did this to me but he does look good in that video"
"So I'm not the only one who thinks he looked so hottt like that"
"You aren't the only one you could even ask y/n she would think that same"
"I don't think I'm going to do that but I wonder how it would be like I know she said it was reallly good"
"It seemed like he was really good I wonder if he would have a threesome with us"
"Ok I don't know why but I don't think he would do that. After all he probably likes straight sex"
"I don't know about that"
"What why?"
"Remember he did it with shadow Midas and he thinks when him and drift did it that it was a secret even thou everyone on this island knows about it"
"Oh yeah"
"Yep anyway I know what we could do"
"Brutus we are not doing that right now"
"Uhh fine let's go be boring and do our work"
"That sound great"


Peely getting turned on because of Midas?? 😂 I don't think I did that properly but I think all of you guys sort of get the point of it. How are all of you doing? Anyway I will see ya later baiii ✌️✌️

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