Dinner with your parents

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You had arrived at your parents house you knocked on the door. Your mum soon opened the door and said "hi I'm y/n mum"
Everyone greeted your mum and went inside. Midas hadn't introduced himself but was about to "hi I'm Midas and it's great to see who made y/n the wonderful women she is today"
"You must be y/n boyfriend. Y/n why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend"

You could see out of the corner of your eye that Midas was blushing a lot you quickly said "no mum that's my boss Midas and I don't have boyfriend"
"Oh ok sorry I didn't mean to cause any awkwardness"
Midas moved from standing still and said "it's fine what I did say came out a bit like I was her boyfriend thinking about it"

You all walked in everyone sat down and you went to go help your mum. "Hey mum is there anything I can do to help?"
"Umm if you could make the gravy that would be great. we are having a roast dinner and a tiramisu for desert."
"Sound great"

You walked over to the cupboard to get the stuff.
"So is your room ready or are you still staying with Midas?"
"I'm still staying with Midas my room should be ready in a week"
"That's good just don't get pregnant"
"WHAT mum he is my BOSS I would do something like that with a person I work with"
"I know he is your boss and that you wouldn't do that but I'm just saying he's a handsome young man that seems to like you and sometime things happen. I'm just not ready to be a grandma. You guys can do it all you want just don't get pregnant"
"MUM like I said HE IS MY BOSS"

You left the room you felt a bit guilty considering you two had actually done that. You saw everyone sat down. Skye saw you and said "y/n your sitting next to Midas" you gave them the death stare knowing what they where trying to do.

You sat down and Midas said "quick question what is with you two and making us always together I'm fine with it I just don't want y/n to feel uncomfortable. Also just so you know I'm not blind I could clearly see that you guys where making hearts in training"
Skye and Tina just sat there in silence.

Your mum soon called your name. You walked into the kitchen and she said "I know you are probably not to happy with me but can you help me take these to the table"
"No I just got annoyed that you thought I might do that. Anyway yep I can do that"
"Thanks and I wasn't trying to come of like that I was just saying if something did happen I don't want to be a grandma."
You laughed and walked into the dining room.

You all finished dinner when Meowscles phone went of he looked at the message then said "sorry I have to go Lynx just texted me saying that she needs me for something I don't know what but I'm gonna have to go. I will be back at the agency later or I will be in at the morning."

Meowscles ran out the door. Your mum then said "what is Meowscles? is he a cat or human?"
Tina said "I don't know I don't think anyone knows."
"Ok that does sort of make sense"
Your dad then said "hey Midas do you watch the game? I could get us some beers to have."
Midas looked up he looked happy "yeah I would love to do that." You where confused mostly because you didn't think he was a sports fan.

Your mum said "so girls how long have you worked with Midas"
Tina "well I have with him for 2 and a half years now"
Skye "well when I was younger Midas sort of adopted me. I didn't have a family but then I met Midas and he treats me like his kid. So around 7 years now. We where both there for each other mostly because we didn't have anyone else."
You felt sad by this but it showed how Midas was actually a really sweet man if you get to know him.

Soon your dad came into the room with Midas who was drunk. Your mum said to your dad "you got him drunk didn't you"
"Sorry I didn't realise how light he must be"

Meowscles POV

Finally you had arrived to Lynx's place you where ready for anything considering she didn't say anything about why she needed you.

You opened the door and called her. You heard a "im here" coming from the bedroom. You made you way upstairs you opened the door and just stood there. It was Lynx you could stop staring at her all she had on was a red lacy bra and knickers.

"S-so ummm w-what was it that you needed?" You said trying to not let the boner show.
"Meowscles I think we all know what I need. I need your dick inside of me."
"I will help you with that" you quickly said running to the bed.

Back to y/n POV

You looked at the time and saw it was getting late "I think we should start heading back" the girls nodded. You all made your way out saying bye. Midas tried to drive the boat but under no circumstances was he going to. So you where the one driving back which wasn't a problem.

When you got back you all went to the break room except for Skye she went to bed because it was late and she was tired. You saw Brutus in there. He said "I have an idea what if we play a game of never have I ever the dirty version."

You all sat down intrigued you asked "so how does this work exactly?"
"Well one of us will ask a question and it has to be sex related. So if you have you have to take a shot. Any questions?"
You all said "nope"
Tina said "ok I'm asking the first question have you had sex in the last month?"
You took a shot and so did Midas. Tina and Brutus didn't Brutus said "ok so we knew about y/n but we didn't know about you Midas. Quick question when because you are always at work?"
Midas replied back "oh yeah I'm gonna have to punish you y/n for sneaking out and not telly anymore not even a henchman. Also I sometimes have free time."

Brutus said "ok now my turn and this is more for Midas but have you ever had a blow job?"
Midas took another shot. Brutus looked surprised.
Midas said "ok now I ask a question have you ever slept with someone you work with?"
You took another shot knowing Midas was trying to get you drunk. Tina and Brutus didn't take one they just looked at you with a shocked face.
Brutus: "have you ever been fingered?"
You and Tina both took a shot.

You tried getting up to get water but fell over on to Midas lap. You where comfortable there so you just laid there until you soon fell asleep. You could feel a hand rub your head your could tell it was Midas because of how soft there hands where.

You soon woke up to see you where in Midas bed not his lap anymore what confused you for a second. You looked over to see Midas asleep you moved close to him and cuddled him like a teddy bear.

Hey so I finally made this chapter. Yay so what did you guys think of it. I know what I'm gonna make y/n punishment 😏 but what do you guys think it should be? Just to get ideas.
Anyway I will see you later baii ✌️

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