Steamy stacks

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There was a tap on your shoulder that woke you up, you opened your eyes to see who it was. Skye was the one taping your shoulder and she had a weird look on her face. You were about to speak but then you heard Midas snore so it was best for you to whisper.

"Morning Skye what's up?"
"I need the toilet and Midas won't let go of me"

You moved your head slightly to see Midas and for sure he was holding onto her tight. Really tightly like his life depended on it. You got up to try to move his arms so Skye could go. When you moved his arms Skye quickly got out and Midas grabbed onto you.

"Thanks y/n good luck getting out. Can I use the toilet here?"
"Sure thing sweetie"

Skye ran into the bathroom and you felt Midas grip get tighter. He breathed into your ear and it sent shivers down your spine.

"Yes girlie"
"Wait your awake how long have you been awake?"
"Just this second. Do you wanna do what we said about last night"
"You know Skye is still here she went to the toilet"
"Did not know that well I probably should get dressed"
"Ok handsome I think I might go back to sleep"
"sweet dreams"

Midas walked away and you heard him open a door. A scream soon followed after he opened it. It was a scream from Midas and Skye.

"Fuck shit no no. Sorry Skye I forgot you where in there I promise I didn't see anything."

You looked to see what happened and you saw Midas by the bathroom door with a hand over his face. It took you a few moments to realise what had happened. You shook your head slightly chuckling at Midas.

"I opened the door"
"Yeah I realised"

Skye soon slowly walked out and looked at the both of you. Midas got down in his knees so he could make eye contact with her.

"I am so sorry Skye I didn't realise you where in there"
"It's fine"
"No it isn't I seem like a pedophile"
"What's a pedophile?"
"We will have to talk about it later or ask one of the other agents when you see them"
"Can we act like this didn't happen it was a huge mistake"
"Yep I understand it was a mistake"
"Ok now give me a hug if that alright"

Skye gave Midas a hug and you went back to sleep.

Midas POV:

You had finally arrived at steamy stacks you needed to check all the motors and that sort of stuff was all up to date. The choppa was right in-front of the entrance you swiped your key card at the gates. As soon as you entered something caught your eye. There was black goo on the floor it looked abit like ..... chaos agent?

You didn't think to much of it and just continued on what you where doing. First of all you went into the main entrance to start you work. There was a problem though you could only think of y/n and how you couldn't believe that you had gotten such a wonderful girl.

From what it was showing on the computer the waters weren't staying at the same level for an amount of time so you decided it would be a good idea to watch them for the next hour to see the changes. You pulled out a chair and you where meant to be looking at the computer to see the levels but your mind wondered of again.

The thing that you and y/n did when you had movie night before was the only thing you could think about. It was weird that it was the only thing that you could think about. The sounds of both of you where just going through your brain. You where remembering every part of it like it was happening at that moment.

You quickly snapped back to try and do what you where there to do. Until you realised the stick in your pants trying to escape. You would of just ignored it but it was sort of painful and you were sure that you could hear the seem of your pants ripping because of how tight your pants where.
(Midas you ok? 😂😂😂😂)

There was a sound coming from one of the other buildings so you decided to go check it out while trying to hide your boner. You saw the black goo again but it was on the building that the sound was coming from.

"Chaos agent I know your here"
"I thought it would of taken your dumbass longer to realise"
"Seems you where wrong"
"Quick question do you have a rocket in your pant or are you just really excited to see me?"
"Haha very funny"
"I would ask if you saw your girlfriend but then I remembered you have never had one"
"Actually I have one right now so jokes on you"
"Oh yeah y/n sweets a sweet girl but in bed she sure is a monster if you know what I mean"
"Wait you thought she would only be with you awwww that's so sweet of how dumb you are. Why would she only go out with you?"
"Fuck you"
"After all you did fuck one of my agents"
"How do you know?"
"You think I'm so stupid. I have little cameras on my agents I always keep an eye on them"
"Of course you do. Anyway i doubt she would would go out with you"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am"
"Well I have photos that I can show you come here"

You slowly walked closer to him to see if what he said was true you didn't believe him but you just wanted to see what he was on about. He showed you the photo of him and y/n at the chilli competition it clearly was photo shopped.

"That is so clearly photo shopped"
"Why do you say that because it is a true photo"
"Well y/n hates anything spicy so she would never go to one of those thing"
"Well maybe you don't know her that well"
"You lying piece of shit I know her better then you do that's for sure"
"What did you just call me?"
"A lying piece of shit"
"That's it"

His goo grabbed onto you and slingshot both you and him onto the tower in between the weird toxic water. If you fell into that water within seconds you would be dead meat.

"You know what I'm gonna do"
"You don't need to do this"
"You sure I don't?"
"Please don't"
"Okay I won't do it but you have to give me one thing in return"
"What is it?"

He threw you into the water you couldn't believe that this was how you where going. Water hit your skin and you where screaming knowing you would be doing that from the pain. The acid wasn't burning your skin off which confused you and the tiny bit that was in your mouth didn't burn your mouth it just tasted like Capri-sun.

"How hasn't this killed me?"
"I did something to the acid water"
"What the hell did you do to it"

He jumped down and landed on the path part to speak to you. First of all he pulled you out and from what you could tell there was a huge smile across his face.

"So you want to know what I did to the water?"
"That would be very helpful"
"So I changed it there is a liquid that makes it so I can see what your doing and your temporally part of shadow. See your suit is black and you have a raver dashing white hair"
"Hmmmm I don't know"
"Well you should get back before the other start questioning where you are. Also I got you a banjo for some reason I guess it's a thank you gift"
"Right okay I will take this then"


Midas will be playing the banjo soon and y/n reaction will be the next chapter. I will see ya later baii ✌️

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