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So this isn't part of the story but earlier I asked my dad to do something on my phone so when he was in my phone he accidentally clicked on Instagram and saw a photo of shirtless Midas have to love them awkward moments.

It was 4:30 in the morning and you where being woken up by Midas. "C'mon sleepy head you need to wake up and get ready"
You fully opened your eyes and just glared at him "it's like 5 in the morning It doesn't take me that long to get ready."
"Actually it's 4:30 Am and you need to get ready I want to start training at 7:30 and you also need to get breakfast."
"But it's too earlier it's doesn't take me that long to get ready"
"Y/n you need to get a shower"
You turned over away from him and started to snuggle into the covers.

Midas picked you up and put you in the shower.
"Ok now get dressed or undressed as it may be and take a shower"
"Make me"
Midas looked at you with a smirk 😏 he soon shook his head and said "well you need to get ready I'm going to go and make pancakes for me and you if you get ready." He soon left the room.

You thought to yourself that was strange that he thought about it then went to make pancakes.

*time skip*

You had finished getting ready you picked up your phone to look at the time it was 6:30. "Maybe Midas is right that I take a while to get ready" you mumbled to your self.

You saw a notification from your mum. You looked at the message and it was basically asking if you and your friends you worked with wanted to have dinner with them some point. You replied back with "sure I think they would love to I will ask them if that can come"

You left the room and went to the break room you saw Midas at the table with pancakes.
"Hey girlie you decided to get ready. Here have some pancakes." You walked over to take some pancakes and sit down.
"So quick question what time did you wake up Midas?"
"I woke up at 3:00Am."
You just sat there staring at him in amazement.
"How????? Also why????"
He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh yeah my parents wanted to invite you and the other agents to dinner."
"Yeah that could be cool. I could meet the makers of such a wonderful girl."
You started to blush you tried to hid it but it was useless.

*time skip*

You walked to the training room with Midas and met all the agents there.
"Ok agents we are doing 1v1s so in your groups of four I will need to to split into partners I don't mind who they are but I do need you to choose when I finish talking. So Meowscles group you will go into that rift over there and my group will go in this one everyone should have 3 rounds and you will have some time to practice building and shooting before the battles start. I will meet everyone back in the break room at lunch and I would like to know the scores and who went against who. Got it?"
Everyone nodded there heads.

Tina and Skye looked at each other with a evil grin.
Skye said "hey Y/n we want you to work with Midas."
"well you to could get a bit more closer from this if you know what I mean." Tina said with a smirk

Midas walked over and said "so have you guys chosen who's ass I will be kicking in this." He started laughing.
A smirk suddenly when across Skyes face and she said "well you and y/n will be together for this"
"Ok, y/n get ready for me to beat your ass then ride on you."
You, Skye and Tina all liked at each other trying to to laugh.
"Do the ride emote. You are dirty minded as fuck."
You all bursted out laughing. Midas just looked at you guys and shook his head.
"Ok let's get started" Midas jumped into a rift (I kept writing drift for some reason) and you soon followed.

You and Midas started first, Skye and Tina where watching and every time Midas looked away they kept making hearts. Which made you giggle a tiny bit.
"Y/n you ready?"
"Ready more then I'll ever be"
He edited the wall in front of you. You both started building ramps and walls you both where soon cranking 90s. Midas soon shot you and you shot back but he had won the first round.

Round 2 was just the same just that you won that round you started doing the renegade. It was now round 3 you had done really well but you didn't win you let Midas on 3HP he started doing the riding emote.
You got back into the game and sat with Skye and Tina.
Tina asked "so how does it feel to have Midas ride on you?"
You looked at laughing a tiny bit "you know it wasn't meant to come of like that"

Midas walked over and said "are you all of you talking about how amazing I am?" He had a smile across his face.
Tina looked at him and said "no we where taking about how you just rid y/n" you all started to laugh
"Anyway it's your guys turn."

*time skip*

It was lunch time and training was finally over with. You all sat down by the tv and started to eat your lunch you had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and it was delicious. Once every one finished there lunch they went I to go and do something else. Skye went to go and take pictures, Tina went to go and explode stuff, Meowscles was taking Lynx back home. Peely and Brutus went of to do something you wasn't sure what they where doing but you didn't want to know if it was what you where thinking.

It was just you and Midas left in the room he put Brooklyn nine-nine on which was something you where making you way through with him. You grabbed a banana to eat while you where watching Tv with Midas. You started to eat the banana Midas looked over to see what you where doing then suddenly you both made eye contact it was awkward.

Midas stood up trying to hid the bulge in his pants and said "um I need to go to the bathroom. Tell me what I miss" as soon as he finished his sentence he was out of the room you laughed a bit at the whole situation.
How are you guys? Hope you are doing good. I might introduce some new people into the story line in a few chapters. So the dinner with your parents will possibly be in the next 2 or 3 chapters. How do you think it will go? Anyway I'm going to go bed in a few minutes and I will see you in the next chapter. Baii ✌️

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