Bubble bath

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It was the morning and you were sleeping on the floor in peelys room. You looked at the time it was 5:30 you were awake a lot earlier than normal.

You tried to get back to sleep but the only thing in your mind was Midas. You missed him a lot even you had seen him in the last 6 hours.

Peely was still asleep you wanted to leave but didn't want to seem rude that you just left so you sent him a message he would see in the morning. You explained how you where missing Midas and how you had to go see him.

You headed out the door when you heard something you looked around and it was Peely awake.

"Y/n where in earth are you going at this time of the day."
"Well I woke up and i tried to get back to sleep but the only thing I could think of was Midas."
"Awww go see your snack. I will see you later."
"Thank you bye."

You left the room happy that you were going to see Midas. You knew that it hadn't been that long since you last saw him but it felt like you hadn't seen him in years.

You opened the door to his room Midas was still asleep. He was really cute when he slept he was also cuddled up to the covers as well. You just wanted to cuddle up to him but you didn't want to disturb him because he was asleep.

You knew that it wouldn't be long until Midas woke up so you decided to go and make his coffee. He liked his coffee with 1 tea spoon of sugar and the tiniest bit of milk.

You finished making his coffee it had hardly no milk you couldn't believe how he had coffee so strong. You walked into the room you could tell Midas was about to wake up.

"Good morning sleepy head" you said while sitting down next to him in his bed. You placed the mug of coffee in his bedside table.

Midas looked at you for a few moments without blinking.
"Hey Midas are you alright."
Midas just mumbled he pulled you down and cuddled up to you. It was different because normally you were cuddling up to him not the other way around.

He looked up at you again and said
"Don't leave me"
"I'm not going to leave you. why would I?"
"I don't know you might randomly wonder why your with a loser like me."
"MIDAS! Don't think like that. You are not a loser. Also I would never leave you. You are one of the best thing to happen to me."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure. Anyway why are you acting like this today."
"Well you room is ready now and we won't be sharing the same bed anymore and I feel like you would leave me because we would spend more time apart."
"You not getting rid of me that easily."

You both started laughing and you both went back to cuddling. You felt safe when you were cuddling you knew that Midas wouldn't let anything happen to you. In a way he was also like a barrier.

"Well coffee boy we need to get ready for today."

Midas pinned you to the bed he leaned over and whispered
"Don't call me coffee boy."
"Well what do you want me to call you?"
"I don't know anything except for coffee boy. You can call me that on special occasions"

You found it hilarious how he called it "special occasions" he could of said anything else but nope he was had to use that term. You were laughing a lot now. Midas just looked at you confused he didn't know what was going on.

"What so funny?"
"I want to know"
"Special occasions"

You bursted out laughing again.

"I don't understand."
"Don't worry."
"Um ok.. well we should get ready for the day."

Midas stood up and picked you up bridal style he carried you to the bathroom.
"Hey Midas what are you doing?"
"Taking you to the shower."

He placed you in the sink he was as acting weird. He walked over to the bath and turned the taps on and pored some soap in to make it bubbly.

"Hey Midas if you don't mind me asking again but what are you doing?"
"Can't I make a bubble bath for my special girlie."

He started undressing you.
"Hey um Midas?"
"Well you can't take a bath with cloths on. Now can you?"
"Well yeah I guess."

Midas finished taking all of you clothes off he picked you up and placed you into the warm bath. It was the right temperature not to cold and not to warm.

Midas crouched down beside you and started stroking your hair.
"Soo how is it? Did I make it good?"
"You made it wonderful. It's the right temperature and the right amount of bubbles."
"Well I am the master of everything."
(Everything 😏)

He kissed you softly on the head. He continued to stroke you hair he was making you feel calm even though you already did.

"Anyway I am going to leave you to it and I will see you after. We can then go see your new room. Sadly you have to leave me back here."
"Well you can have sleepovers in my room sometimes if you want."
"I would love that. Anyway I will leave you alone."

Ok I just want to say the photo above are the cool kids at school 😂. So how do you feel about how your room is ready? Also the next chapters will be exploring your room then it will be the next day when you all attack the Grotto.  So I hope you have a great day and baii ✌️

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