Peelys sleepover

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It was 6:50 you were 5 minutes late. You were looking forward to hanging out with him since you didn't know each other that well. You knocked on Peelys door and as soon as you finish the door opened.
"Where the hell have you been?"
"I'm only 5 minutes late."
"I know that I could of learnt a lot in that time."

Peely dragged you in eager to find out everything.
"So tell me."
"About what?"
"About you and Midas dummie."
"What do you want to know?"
"I want to know all the details. So tell me."
"I don't know where to start."
"You know what I will ask the questions and you answer. Ok?"

Peely grabbed the bag of Doritos you had brought with you.
"Ok so have you two done it before we walked in and saw?"
"Oooo sis. How many times have you done it since you have started working here?"

It took you a second to think about it. In total you two had done it four times.

"So in total we have done it four including earlier."
"You have only been here for a week! You have gotten dick a lot then nearly every other day
"Yeah I guess so."
"Wow. So what is Midas dick like? I'm just wondering."

You laughed for a second.
"Well he is big definitely big. It is a lot thicker then you would think for him being so skinny. Umm he has golden patterns going across and umm  thats all I could really say."
"OMG sister let me tell you something you know Brutus and me fuck right you probably assumed it well he has shrimp dick."

You bursted our laughing Peely joined you.
"I know I shouldn't say that but he does."
You both carried on laughing for the next few minutes.

"Ok this is a important question you need to tell the absolute truth when I ask this."
"Ok what is it?"
"How Good is he? Remember you have to tell the truth."
"He is good like really good. Sometimes he is painful he doesn't mean to be I know but sometimes he just is but he can't help that. But he definitely knows how to do it right."
"Am I correct thinking the reason why it hurts is because he is big?"
"Yeah it is but him being big does make it more pleasurable."
"So it is good him being big."

You took a handful of Doritos. Soon you heard a knock on the door. Peely got up to go open it. As soon as he opened it he said "y/n your snack is here."

You were confused for a moment about what he said. You soon saw Midas was at the door. You walked up and said "hey Midas whatcha need?"
"Can I talk to you for a second?"
"Yeah sure"

You walked out of peelys room wondering what on earth would he need to talk about. He closed the door after you. He looked around to see if anyone was near.

"Midas whats the mat-"
He cut you of by passionately kissing you. You were shocked by him just randomly doing that. You were kissing back. He soon let go you just looked him in the eyes. He pulled you into a hug. You were confused by all this.

"So um that is what I needed to talk to you about."
"Is there any particular reason why."
"Well I know you aren't staying in my room tonight and I didn't want to miss you to much. I just wanted to say good night."
"Well thank you I will miss you more."
"No you wont I will. Anyway I will let you go back I will hopefully see you in the morning."
"Ok see ya then."

Midas quickly gave you a hug and walked of. Your face was as bright as a tomato. You walked back into the room.
"So what did he need to talk about?"
"Well he wanted to say goodnight and he kissed me."

You laughed a bit.
"Peely could I ask a question for you?"
"Yeah why not."
"How is Brutus in bed?"
"Welll Umm ahhh *sighs* please don't tell him what I say but it isn't his strong suit. I'm not trying to be mean but he is a lot better with other stuff. Don't get me wrong he is good just he isn't always enough for me if that makes sense."
"Yeah it definitely does."
"Anyway speaking of my boo I'm going to go say good night to him. You coming?"
"Yeah sure."

You both were out side Brutus door his room wasn't that far away from Peelys room. He opened the door you could hear little grunts coming from Brutus.

"Uh Uh it's not what it looks like."
"Your jerking off aren't you? No one needs to see that."
"Well maybe you should knock."
"Well you should lock the door when your doing that. Also you should know by now that I don't knock on your door. Also what about that deal we made."
"Sorry Peely."
"You should be."

You where confused about what they where talking about when they said deal. You sort of just watched them argue for a few minutes until They kissed it was a long kiss it felt like you where there for an hour.

"Anyway I need to go I will see you later booboo goodnight."
"Good night princess."

You could see that Peely was blushing it mad you smile at how there relationship was. it was cute.

"Hey y/n do you wanna go see Midas thinking your probably missing his dick."
"Peelyyyy!! I sort of do miss him as a person not his dick."
"Ok ok I was just saying. Anyway let's go to his room so you can say goodnight."

You both made your  way to Midas room you knew he would be in there probably asleep but you wanted a hug from him.

You got there and opened the door. You saw that Midas was dancing around the room in his boxers and shirt with the top three buttons undone. He was listening to wanna be by the spice girls. He also had a tub of icing in one hand and in the other he had the spoon he was also using as a microphone.

You and peely watched him for a few moments he seemed happy you had never seen him like this before.

"I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah"
Midas turned around and saw that you where standing there with Peely. He quickly turned the music of and threw his sunglasses on the bed he also started to blush.

"Umm I didn't realise you where here."
Peely said "wow boss I have never seen you so happy. Is this because you and y/n are going out?"

You saw Midas face blush even redder. You walked over and gave him a huge hug. He rested his chin on your head and hugged you back.

"Aww you two are so cute. I am really happy you are together and that I get to see this."

Midas was soft he was like a teddy bear you didn't want to leave his arms. He pecked you on the forehead.

"So what did you guys need or did you just want to watch an amazing performance."
"Alright baby spice I just wanted to say good night I also wanted a hug."
"Aww thanks and also I think I'm more of a Victoria the posh spice not baby spice."

You all started laughing.
"Well anyway I'm going to go so good night and I will see you in the morning or in a hour because I missed you to much."
"Good night also I think I will miss you before you miss me."
"We will have to see about that."

You and peely bothed waved at him and left the room you still couldn't believe that you saw Midas like that.


Hey so how are you all? So Midas listens to the spice girls. Also I realised that I make Midas eat a lot of icing for some reason. Anyway I will see you guys later baii ✌️

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