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You walked into the break room seeing Skye "hi Skye"
"Where were you?"
"I was out shopping why?"
"Shadow attacked us while you were gone."
"Shit sorry"

Midas patted you on the shoulder and said "don't worry. Skye I told her to go out earlier not knowing that we where gonna be a attacked. Anyway it wasn't that big there was only 2 shadow henchmen."
"Ok well y/n do you want to go see a film with me and Tina."
"I would love to"
"Actually y/n you can't you have to clean my car as your punishment remember."
"Oh yeah sorry Skye maybe I could join another time."

"Ok I'm going to go because I have to write some files about what happened earlier and I will have to make a plan on when to attack them."

Midas POV

You walked into your office with a cup of coffee you saw that the sun was still shining but it was getting dark. So you decided to watch it for a few minutes.

You soon heard a knock on the door. "Please tell me someone else hasn't found out." You thought to yourself. "Come in" you said

Brutus walked in "hiya boss how are you?"
"I'm good you?"
"Good um do you know where a pair of scissors should be?"
"There should be a pair in one of the draws in my desk."

Brutus walked over to your desk and started going through the stuff. He soon stopped. "Umm Midas why do you have a mark on your ruler?"

You turned around trying to think of a story.
"Where you measuring how big you are."
"No that's a childish thing to do. I would never do that."
"Oh ok so why are there marks? If you measured how big you are I'm not judging I've done it many times before. Also if that is how big you are then you a big boy in that area."

You just laughed.
"So is that how big you are? If not then how big are you? I now need to know"
"Uh I guess so I was just bored and wondered how big I was. Also quick question what is the average size."
"Well you are a lot bigger than average size. Average size is 6 inches where you are 9 and a half so that's around one and a half of average sizes. Y/n must be impressed"
"Midas I'm joking it's clear that you like her by the way"
"What no I don't I'm not still at school"
"Midas you like her and we know its hard for you to grasp the fact that you like her because you haven't felt that way before and she also works for you so you probably feel like it would be wrong when it wouldn't matter because you are the boss."
"Brutus I don't like anyone and that's final."
"Ok think what you want to think. I will see you later at dinner"

Brutus soon left the room. You thought to yourself "maybe y/n was right when she said it was huge also did anyone else think what Brutus said because it would give them more reason to think that we have had sex well we have but we don't need everyone knowing."
You picked up a bunch of papers and started going through them and sorting them into piles. Trying to forget about everything else.

*time skip* y/n POV

It had been an hour since Midas had left you and Skye where having a great conversation. You had left the table to get some snacks until Dinner. You sat back down and Midas walked in. He sat down with you and Skye.

"So what are we talking about?"
"Girlie things" Skye said even though that wasn't what you where talking about.
"Okay I'm going to go and order food. A new kebab place opened up so I'm gonna get us food from there tonight. So lamb for you two?"
Skye nodded and you said "if it's not to much of a struggle could I have chicken" (it kept autocorrecting to children 😂 😂)
"Yeah sure I will go order that."

He soon left the room you watched him leave your eyes fixed it his ass.
"So y/n why are you looking at Midas but?" She said with a smirk
"What no I am not."
"Yes really"
"Y/n we know you like him."
"No I don't"

Tina walked over and said "so what are we talking about?"
Skye said "we are talking about how y/n has a crush on Midas."
"No I don't"
"Y/n me and Skye know that you do. There is no point of trying to hide it."
"But I don't"

Tina looked at you her face read "we know you are lying just give it up."

Skye said "we know you want to kiss him again"
"Or" Tina put her hand over Skyes ears and said "get fucked senseless from him."
"What" she said with a giggle.
You all started laughing.

Soon everyone came into the break room and a few minutes after Midas followed with the food.
"Hey I have food"
He handed them out to everyone when he came to you he said "and chicken for the girlie sitting here"

Everyone looked at you two with a smirk.
Midas realised what he did and said "I was joking about that come of a bit weird I know. Let's just forget about it. Also in the morning we have a meeting about our attack to the grotto."

Everyone went back to eating there food. It was delicious. You really enjoyed it. Midas was done before everyone else he was a quick eater (my mind just wandered off thinking about it weirdly 😏)

Midas collected all the rubbish and threw it in the bin. "Ok agents I want all of you to go to bed now I will see you in the meeting at 10:30 AM"

You followed him into his bedroom. You both got dressed and laid in bed Midas was wearing a grey pair of joggers and no top. You rested your head against his bare muscular chest.

You looked up at him and said "Midas please can I cuddle you like a teddy bear like I did this morning."
"Sure thing girlie"
You culled you to him like a teddy bear you soon fell asleep.

So I wasn't  sure what to do for the title of this chapter so yeah. Who else has failed no simp September? Also should I maybe start adding more people into the story?
Anyway let me know what you think and I will see you later ✌️

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