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Everyone was at the helipad ready to go. They couldn't go because Midas was the only one who was still inside getting ready.

You soon saw Midas slowly walking over with a stroller that had Goldie inside.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late Goldie wasn't waking up."

Meowscles didn't understand since he wasn't there earlier. He soon saw the fish and licked his lips. Midas saw and got very angry.

"NO MEOWSCLES. This is not food this is Goldie my son!!!"

Meowscles looked at you even more confused. You whispered
"Don't worry I will explain later"

He nodded his head and everyone got in the choppa.

*time skip*

You arrived at aprie skies it was empty which was good. Everyone ran in except for you and Midas you had stayed back with Midas helping him get Goldie and the stroller out.

"Who's a good boy? Yes you are."

Midas started speaking to the fish again you were sort of worried about him. You knew that he was fine but seeing him like this was weird.

Midas wrapped an arm around you. You both started walking inside to see the others who had left a few minutes before.

Everyone else had ordered there drink and Skye was about to. Midas quickly ran over and said to the person at the bar "she will have a coke no alcohol."

Skye looked at Midas annoyed.
"I'm just keeping you safe Skye."
"I don't think I need you always treating me like a child. I can keep myself safe."
"I know but your not even an adult yet and is it a big problem that I want to keep you safe."

Skye walked of and Midas didn't look happy. You quickly walked over before anything happened.

"Hey Midas."
"Um hi. Want do you want to drink?"
"Could I have a Dr Pepper? I'm gonna stay sober tonight just to keep an eye on everything."
"Ok that means more for me to drink then."
"Yeah just go careful"
"why wouldn't I?"
"I'm just thinking about what happened the other day."
"Oh ok. Well have a good time."
"Will do."

You walked over to Tina who was sitting next to Skye. Skye still looked annoyed about what happened with Midas.

Y/n: "hey girls."
Tina: "hey y/n. How has Midas been with Goldie?"
Y/n: "he has been alright. I'm still worried about him even though I know he is fine."
Tina: "it will take some time but try not to worry."
Skye: "why are you worried about Midas he seems fine. He is acting normal like normal because he still thinks I'm a child even though I'm nearly an adult."
Tina: "Skye you have a few more years until your an adult and you know Midas means it in a good way."
Skye: "yeah I know but it's just annoying."
Y/n: "if you want I could try talk to him about it."
Skye: "really if you can thank you."

Skye gave you a hug. You weren't sure how you were going to talk to Midas about giving her more responsibility.

There was a loud crash you and the girls looked to try and see what it was. You saw Brutus and Meowscles picking up Midas from the floor.

It hadn't taken him to long to get drunk. You watched him for a few moments he had fallen over a few times now.

"I think we should head back. Seeing how Midas is. I will drive the choppa back."

You all headed back to the choppa Meowscles was carrying Midas firefighter style and peely was carrying Goldie.

*time skip*

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