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You woke up hugging a pillow you were confused because you were sure you were with Midas. Unless the whole thing was just a dream. You turned around feeling abit sad that it was just a dream.

You went to check your phone for the time and saw a message from Midas.

Hey y/n I would of stayed longer but you know don't want the others to get suspicious. Can't wait to see you and hopefully we soon can start sharing a room again.

You smiled at his text and was happy what happened yesterday wasn't a dream. You decided that it would be a good idea to leave your room for the first time in a week.

*time skip*

You left your room and saw Midas leaving his. He grabbed your waist and pulled you into your room and kissed you on the lips. Both of you started hugging each other he soon moved his head and stared at your face.

"I missed you so much"
"I missed you to"
"Your so cute and pretty"
"Thanks. You are very pretty yourself"
"Stop I'm blushing"
"I have a request"
"Yeah what is it"
"You know Halloween is coming up and I was wondering if you could go as Belle from Beaty and the beast."

Midas started laughing at what you had said. Soon he stopped and just looked at you.

"What I'm not joking"
"So you want me to be a Disney princess"
"Belle to be exact and yes you would be very pretty"
"I don't think I'm gonna do that"
"Please it's the only thing I want"
"Fine. I can't believe I'm actually doing this"
"Thank you. You will be a very pretty princess. anyway I decided I'm going to leave my room today so I'm gonna go"
"Ok well I will go first then give it a few minutes to leave so it doesn't seem suspicious"

He kissed your forehead and he turned around to leave. His ass caught your eye and you couldn't stop staring he had a nice ass. (Midas be thiccc)

It had been a few minutes since Midas had left so you decided to leave. You went to the break room and saw everyone there. Meowscles looked over and was the first one to notice you there.

"Someone left there cave then"
"Thanks meow meow"
"No problem. Quick question are you and Midas back together"
"Well Midas left your room and he is acting happy and so are you. So it seems like you are doing the deed if you know what I mean"
"Well no we aren't. Me and Midas talked it out and we are going to be friends"
"Ok well I hope you two bang it out sometime"

Midas smacked Meowscles over the head.

"What? I just hope you guys get back together you guys were cute"
"Can we just talk about something else. Halloween is coming up and we are gonna have a party."

Skye got out of her chair and started dancing. You all started laughing at her sudden actions.

Tina: "so what is everyone going as?"
Peely: "Sis I'm going as jame Charles because ya know"
Meowscles: "that sounds cool I'm going as Garfield"
Peely: "I loved watching that show when I was younger well I still do."
Brutus: "well I think I have the best costume I'm going as gru"
Peely: "I would go as a minion for you but I'm the make up queen james sis"
Meowscles: "hey Midas what are you going as?"
Midas: "uh belle"
Tina: "like belle from Beaty and the beast belle?"
Midas: "yes"
Meowscles: "why the hell are you doing that?"
Midas: "well after what I did to y/n I thought I should let her choose to embarrass me"
Meowscles: "simp"
Midas: "fuck of"
Meowscles: "I'm just speaking the truth"
Tina: "and its not September anymore so you can simp as much as you like"
You: "guys stop making fun of him"
Peely: "awwwww"
Brutus: "don't worry me and peely will get you back together."
Midas: "no you won't be we both decided that it wasn't a good idea in the first place"
Meowscles: "I doubt you agreed on that since you lost your virginity to her and she has been your only girlfriend"

You all bursted out laughing except for Skye who was confused by the whole situation and Midas who seemed extremely annoyed. You soon got it to together and placed your hand in his shoulder.

You: "Midas is he saying that you had never done it before we did it?"
Midas: "yeah I guess so"
You: "you definitely didn't seem like it"
Midas: "Umm I'm not sure on how to respond."
Meowscles: "Midas it's a compliment"
Midas: "yeah I sort of assumed that"
Skye: "what did meow meow mean by loose your virginity?"
Midas: "Meowscles you brought it up so you gonna have to answer"
Meowscles: "your like her farther shouldn't you answer or the girl your a simp for"
Midas: "one I am not a simp and also she wouldn't be asking this if you didn't say that."
Meowscles: "fine. Skye it means when you have your first kiss"
Skye: "oh ok well thanks for telling me instead of it taking you half an hour to answer like when I asked what the ballon was."
Tina: "good description Meowscles. Definitely not lying there"
Meowscles: "what would I lie about?"
Tina: "nothing"

You all heard something and looked around. You could see peely and Brutus leaving. Everyone else saw and it was quite for a moment. They had stopped and looked back at you guys.

Tina: "where you guys going"
Brutus: "we need to do something"
Midas: "what do you need to do?"
Peely: "we wanted to do some training"
You: "I think you guys are going to do something a bit more then training"
Brutus: "I don't know what you mean"
Skye: "are you guys having sex? Could I have some as well?"
Midas: "WHAT?"
You: "Skye are you on about the candy?"
Skye: "yeah what else would I be on about?"
Midas "nothing. I think we might have some candy in the cupboard. Y/n I think you might need to talk to her about that."
You: "yeah I will do that later"


So this chapter was different to normal. How are you guys? Who's else is looking forward to Halloween? Anyway I will see ya later baii ✌️

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