Halloween planning

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It was 8:30am and you had just woken up on Midas chest with your leg wrapped around his clothed muscular torso. He must of noticed you were awake by the sudden head movement to look at you. You could see his gold eye sparkle in the dark it was memorising.

"Good morning how was your sleep?"
"Good how long have you been awake if you don't mind me asking"
"Probably an hour"
"Why didn't you wake me up so you could do what you wanted to do"
"First of all there isn't anything I want to do second of all you were sleeping peacefully and I was enjoying watching you sleep"
"Definitely not sounding creepy"
"Yeah not me. One thing I'm not sure how we are getting you ready for the meeting later"
"What do you mean?"
"Didn't know you were Justin beiber. What I mean is we have a meeting soon about Halloween and I don't know how your gonna get to your room to get dressed with out anyone seeing"
"It'll be fine if anyone sees me I will just say that I though I saw something suspicious and I needed to talk to you about it"
"Ok good idea well I suggest you start going because it's in half an hour"
"Ok I will see you there cuddles"
"We need a new nick name instead of that. We will talk about it later girlie"

*time skip*

You were currently outside of the meeting room being 5 minutes late. You opened the door and made your way in to see everyone sitting down except Skye who was bunny hopping around the room.

"Hey agent y/n do you mind explaining why you are late we were waiting for you"
"I-I forgot to set my alarm last night"
"Hmmm okay well I need to talk to after about that"

You quickly made your way to your seat next to Midas wondering why the hell he put you on the spot like that he knew the reason you were late was because you where with him.

"Let get started now because we are already behind schedule. So as you may know Halloween is coming up soon and everyone will have their own tasks like who decorating where and who's getting the candy stuff like that. Tina you will be decorating the rig Brutus if you can help her that would be appreciated , Meowscles you will be decorating the yacht you can get Lynx to help you, Peely and Skye you two will be decorating the shark."

You had been listening to what Midas had been saying but there was a problem he hadn't given you anything to do.

"Hey Midas"
"Yes y/n"
"Umm you didn't give me a task"
"Oh um well you will be decorating here with me"
"Ok that will be fun"

Peely started smirking at you until he shouted

"Awww the two love birds are back me and Brutus were rooting for you"

Midas turned to you and you just stared at him it was a awkward silence for a few moments until you said

"Peely no we aren't back together"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am"
"Pleaseeeeeeeeeee get back together"
"You will get back together some point so just save some time"

You felt a tap on your shoulder it was Midas he had a weird look on his face.

"Could I say a few words?"
"Yeah it might help"

"Yes Midas"
"I know you want y/n and me to get back together when we might not but every time you ask about it probably won't help"
"I can see why you think that but you were so cute and I just want that back"
"Your not the only one but I doubt it will happen"
"I can make it happen if you want"
"No just leave it how it is"
"Peely let's stop talking about this we have more important thing to talk about like the Halloween party"
"Thank you"

It was silent until Skye jumped out of her seat and walked over to the piece of paper loosely gripped in Midas hands. She started reading what was written on there and Midas had a worried expression on his face.

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