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You had been watching Midas sleep for around half an hour. He was finally waking up.

"Good morning sleepy head"
"Good morning. Jeez i have a massive headache."
"No surprise"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you not remember yesterday?"
"Not really the last thing I remember was leaving fish sticks with you. Why what happened?"
"You got crazy drunk. Like you where running around naked shouting I'm superman while refusing to go to bed."

You saw Midas face palm.
"Don't worry the only people who saw that where me and Meowscles."
"Oh ok that's good WAIT why did Meowscles see?"
"Well I couldn't get you to listen so I had to call Meowscles. Also you two were cute."
"What do you mean?"
"Well when you weren't listening Meowscles had to get you dressed and he held you like a baby to get you to sleep. It was really cute I should of a taken a photo to show you."
"I'm glad you didn't take a photo. Anyway I'm going to go get dressed and get some painkillers."
"If you want I can go get them."
"No I can do it. I will see you later I guess."
"Yeah I will see you later."
"Also make sure to clean my car."
"Why should I?" You said with a huge smirk across your face.
"Well I don't want to give you another punishment."

You left the room laughing. You walked into the break room to get some breakfast. You saw Meowscles sitting down at one of the tables.

"Good morning y/n how was he for the rest of the night."
"Good morning. He was good he didn't wake up. He has just woken up with a headache and I had to explain to him what happened. He looked a bit embarrassed."
You both just laughed.

Midas POV

You opened the cupboard trying to find pain killers. You couldn't read the boxes because everything was a bit blurry you saw a box that said relief. Well that must be it you thought while taking two pills out and swallowing.

You walked into your office getting ready to plan the attack more in detail. You sat down you didn't have a headache anymore. Well that worked well. You picked up a map of the grotto. You suddenly felt a bit um...... horny.

"Well that's random I guess" you mumbled to your self. You felt a bit like a boy again. It was weird. You suddenly stopped.

You realised what you might of taken. Please tell me it wasn't . You picked up the box and of course it was. "Fuck how could I be so fucking dumb. I took the freaking horny tablets." You mumbled to yourself. (I can't remember the name of them but apparently they make you horny AF 😂)

You tried to carry on your work but you couldn't focus. You know what fuck it I'm gonna be a teenager again just so I can hopefully get rid of this feeling.

You walked out of the room and started making your way to the supply room. It should have toilet rolls and lotion in here.


You were in the break room having food with Skye and Tina. You where all having a really nice conversation. You looked at the door and saw Midas run past holding a toilet roll and lotion which was weird.
"Hey Midas why do you have lotion and toilet rolls we have enough in your room."
"Oh um you know me I like to stock up on things some times."
"Oh ok well I will see you later."
"Ok bye."

Before you could say bye back Midas was down the hall. He was acting strange. You looked at both of the girls and said.
"Hey do you think Midas was acting strange."
Skye said "yeah it seemed like he was in a rush but he was also acting strange when you hi."
"Yeah I guess so."

Tina looked at you with a look.
"Y/n I think he was acting strange because he need to do something will lotion and his hands."
"What? Your making no sense."
"Well maybe he needed alone time with lotion and his hands."
"I'm so confused. Just say what you mean it would be easier then giving riddles."
"I'm trying to give it in riddles because Skye is here."

It took you a second then it hit you. Wait he was doing THAT.
"Ohhhh that makes sense I know what you mean."

Skye gave both of you a confused look "what are you guys on about?"
You said "it's adult stuff don't worry."
"I want to know what you are talking about because what would midas do with his hands and lotion. Except for moisturising his arms and legs."
"Well he is moisturising something." You looked at Tina and gave her a smirk. (Well he will be smooth down there 😂)

"Again what are you taking about."
"You will understand when your older. Anyway I'm going to go clean Midas car."

*time skip*  (so I would write about Midas jerking of but I don't know to much about that sort of thing.)

You had finished cleaning Midas car. You were outside his office door you wouldn't of normally knocked but since we was doing that earlier you didn't want to walk in on him doing that.
"Come in"

You opened the door and saw Midas walking around.
"Hey y/n you don't normally knock well you don't have to."
"I know I just thought why not. Anyway I finished cleaning the car."
"That's good." Midas seemed a bit on edge.
"Hey Midas are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm good."
"Are you sure?"
"No not really."
"Well is there anything I could do to help?"
Ok so you have a choice for the next chapter. Midas says yes and you both do it on his desk or he says no and life goes on like normal so just comment what you would prefer.
Also I just wanted to say I go back to school tomorrow so my uploading might be off for the next week. It probably won't but I just wanted to say just incase. Anyway let me know what you want to happen and yeah I will see ya later baii✌️

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