Meeting the new agent

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Y/n PoV:

You were laying down on the sofa watching the tv when you suddenly felt a pair of lips touch yours, it was clearly Midas. He jumped over you and sat on the floor in front, moving his head back using your legs as a head rest.

"So how did it go?"
"Good really good"
"I am assuming she got the job?"
"Yes she did"
"Shouldn't you be showing her around then?"
"It's weird I was about then she said that she was hoping Freddy could show her around"

You sat up not believing what you were hearing was her and Freddy going to be more than friends?

"Midas tell me about everything with them"
"Umm there's not much to tell you but when I opened the door to let her in they were really close and laughing together"
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"If I'm being honest I have no idea what you are thinking"
"Do you think they will get together?"
"Oh Umm I'm not sure"
"What's her name I might now her?"
"I think I know her"
"Well we will have to see I guess"
"Yep I hope they get together"
"Same here"

Soon the door opened and two people entered talking a lot. Freddy was there with a girl who must of been Rook from what you had heard and she wasn't who you was thinking she was. Both of them stopped laughing then Freddy said

"So this is the break room where everyone has food hangs out and that sort of stuff. That is Midas over there who you met earlier and that is y/n who is laying on the sofa"

She softly said,
"Hi y/n I'm Rook"
"Hi Rook"

Freddy quickly said,
"Rook I need to go ,good luck, if you need anything while I am gone you can ask y/n or Midas. I will see you in the morning"
"Ok i will see you in the morning"
"Did I give you my number so if you need me anytime that you can call or text me?"
"Yeah you did"
"Ok just checking anyway I need to go"

He quickly ran out of the room to do whatever he needed to do. There was a huge smile across your face because they had exchanged numbers.She sort of stood there not knowing what to do with her self, soon you noticed this and said,

"Hey Rook do you want to come and sit here"
"If you don't mind"
"I don't and we could get to know eachother"
"Sounds great"

She started to walk over with a smile on her face, she had a nice smile, she plopped herself onto the seat next to you. Midas got up which you didn't understand until he said,

"You guys probably want to talk about things that I'm not interested in so I'm going to go and do something else"

Before he left he kissed you on the cheek and gave you a quick hug. Rook looked at both of you a bit weirdly until she realised that you and him were together. It was now just you and her so you started a conversation

"So how are you?"
"I'm good you?"
"I'm good as well do you have any questions about here or anyone?"
"Not really but am I correct thinking that you and Midas are in a relationship or are you and him just really friendly?"
"Yeah we are"
"That's cool"
"So I saw that you and Freddy get on really well"
"He is so sweet and caring"
"Ooo sounds like some one might have a crush"

Her cheeks went a bright pink and she tried to hide her face from you. Her head sprung back up and she turned back to look at you with a sort of worried face.

"I sound crazy don't I"
"No you don't"
"I have known him for less then a day and I already have feelings for him I am crazy"
"Rook if it helps that's how I felt about Midas"
"Wait really?"
"Yes really and if you want I could ask him if he feels the same way about you"
"He probably has a girlfriend"
"He doesn't"
"How do you know?"
"I just do and you two would be really cute"
"Thank you"
"No problem just telling the truth"
"Anyway how did you and Midas get together"
"Let me get us some cookies and some Dr Pepper first so we can get comfortable"
"Ok sounds great"

It didn't take you long to get the stuff from the cupboard and sit back down. You passed her a bottle and opened the cookies so both of you could eat them.

"Thank you y/n"
"No problemo"
"So tell me everything about your relationship"
"Ok so me and my old roommates used to binge watch Netflix every Sunday and we would take turns to who would get the food. It was my turn to get the stuff which I wasn't looking forward to"
"Make sense why you wouldn't look forward to it"
"So I had grabbed the stuff and my clumsy self walked into a man and spilt his iced coffee all over him. So then he try's talking to me but I zone out staring at him"
"Omg please tell me you are joking"
"Nope then the next day I have an interview to get a new job and guess who is the boss there"
"Yep it was him so that's how we first met. We did it before we were even together actually thinking about it we did it a few times before being in a relationship"
"So what happened after?"
"Well a few days had passed when I woke up and he asked me if a wanted to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes and was over the moon"
"Aww what did the other think?"
"They didn't know that we had done it or were going out. We had a secret relationship. Meowscles walked in on our first time which was something so he knew that we had done that."
"So do the others now know"
"Yeah they do"
"How did they find out"
"Well me and Midas were doing it and they walked in. So after we all had to talk about it"
"Wow so they have seen you guys do that"
"Yeah Midas does really well at locking doors"

Both of you bursted out laughing and every time both of you looked back at eachother you started laughing again. Midas walked in with a confused look he said,

"Did you call my name y/n?"
"I said your name but I didn't call you"
"I'm hoping these are kind words about me"
"What were you saying about me?"
"Nothing to bad about you"
"What is bad about me?"
"Well it's not a bad thing about you but it's not the most kindest things"
"What was it I can handle what ever you give me"
"All I said was that you do really well at locking doors"
"I will explain it later"
"You will need to do that"

He saw the cookies in front of you so he grabbed some of them before turning to Rook.

Midas: "Rook, Freddy was wondering if tomorrow he could help you bring your stuff here to your room"
Rook: "yeah I would love that and thinking about it I should probably start heading home"
Midas: "ok you will need to be here at 8 in the morning"
Y/n: "wait doesn't she need to stay the night here"
Midas: "it's fine she doesn't have to I gave her the choice"
Y/n: "but when I started you said I had to stay the night"
Midas: "that was different"
Y/n: "how?"

The room fell silent as you just stared at Midas who was playing with his fingers. Rook got up and said

"I should start making my way home see you in the morning"

She left the room before anyone could say anything, there was an awkward silence between you and Midas.

"Umm we should head to bed"
"Yeah maybe we should do that. Also how was it different?"
"I will tell you some day but not right now"
"Is it different in a bad way?"
"No no it definitely isn't bad"
"Ok I guess that's good"


So that was a bit different to normal. Hope you enjoyed I am going to take a little break so it might be some time until I next upload just letting you know. Anyway I will see ya later baii ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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