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~Zayn's Pov.~

A F T E R 3 Y E A R S

'Oh my god, REALLY ?!' I shout shocked what i just heard.

'Yes zayn..' She said smiling while hugging me.

'I'm going to be daddy..' I mumbled smiling to myself.

'I love you zayn.' She said smiling.

'I love you too aliyah.' I said smiling too.

I woke up with tears on my eyes.. I miss her.. and our baby.. So much.. it's been 3 years since the accident and only 2 survived.. Me and Scarlett.. We're still living at our house but.. 10 of us lived her but now.. only 2 well plus 1.. If i knew that the bus has a problem with the wheels.. The wheels exploded then the accident happen.

"Uncle zayn ! Uncle zayn ! I saw daddy awhile ago !" Darcy said running towards me.

Darcy, She's scarlett and harry's baby.. and she's 3 years old. I'm surprise that the baby didn't die when the accident happen b..but the.. my and aliyah's baby died.. it really hurts me when i think aliyah and baby..

~Scarlett's Pov.~

I stare at darcy smiling at something i didn't know. Darcy.. she's my daughter. Surprise ? And no zayn is NOT the father. Harry is the father..

Harry... I miss him so much.. Its my fault that harry died.. It's my fault..

~ Flashback ~

The bus falls to a cliff and i immediately holds harry's hands. I close my eyes knowing that we're going to die.. when the bus stopped i can feel my ankle hurts really bad but my upper body isn't.. I open my eyes and saw harry on top of me trying to block the things that falls.

"H...harry." I said my eyes getting blurry.

"Scar.. I.. i want you.. to take care.. of our.. baby.. okay ?.." Harry said trying to hide that he's really hurt.

"N..no ! Your.. your going to live... your.. your not going to die harry. P..please don't leave me.." I said sobbing then it all went black.

- End of Flashback -

I saw darcy running to the living room and heard her say 'Uncle zayn, Uncle zayn ! I saw daddy awhile ago.' I went to her and saw her smiling widely.

"Really ? You saw daddy ? What does he look like then ?" I ask trying not to cry infront of her.

"He has amazing curly hair !" Darcy shout while clapping and then when i start to cry.

"Mommy ?.. are you okay ? Mommy ?.. why you crying mommy ?.." Darcy ask looking at me worriedly.

"Your mommy is okay darcy. She has just something in her eye." Zayn said smiling darcy. I wipe my tears and look at darcy when she says something again.

"LOOK MOMMY !! DADDY IS HERE !" Darcy said pointing somewhere that we can't see.

"Daddy is always with us baby.." I said hugging darcy.

"Mommy, he's smiling !! Aw.. daddy please don't go.. Daddyyyy ! Yey !" Darcy said making me smile. I look at what dacy is pointing at then smile.

"I kept my promise." I said smiling then went to our bedroom.

I miss all of them.. My friends.. my boyfriend..


It's crap. Tssk. Sorry. Well here you go. :)



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