chapter ten

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the sky was so blue. i couldn't look at it because it made me sad, swelling tears in my eyes, they dripped quietly on the floor as i went on with my day. i tried to keep my focus on the trees, the hot weather, the new places i was seeing. i looked at the people in their school uniforms, laughing happily. i tried so hard to focus on anything else but the panic kept growing, exploding in my chest. tears silently falling in my lap, me not making a sound. some days i just didn't know what to do, where to go, who to see. i try to be gentle, soft, and kind but anxiety ate me up and... i just wanted to be fine.

i wiped my sweaty palms on my shirt, hugging my bag to my chest. i sat in an uber, my dad in the passenger seat. i hadn't seen him this happy in ages. it warmed my heart to see how excited he was to be back in the city he grew up in but for me, it was the complete opposite. my heart pumped so fast in my chest i thought it would explode, the sound echoing in my ears. i didn't want to be in australia. i didn't want to see lorenz. i wanted abby. but for the sake of my dad's happiness, i agreed to move. who knows how much longer i'd be alive anyway. i just wanted him to be happy.

the weather was very hot, unlike the cold weather i was used to back home. even when i wore a short flowy dress, i still sweat like crazy. tying up my hair which i had dyed again with abby, dark blue, the car finally came to a stop. the house was big, three cars parked in the driveway with a huge yard in the front where a water fountain was placed. the house itself was a bright white with a black roof, making it stand out next to all the other houses.

so lorenz was rich? wow.

i picked up my suitcase and my bag and walked down the yard to the front door, following my dad. he was practically bursting with excitement. and i was happy for him. the door opened revealing a couple who were probably lorenz's parents. the parents excitedly greeted each other as i just stood back awkwardly, shuffling on my feet until the lady saw me.


i waved. "hello."

the couple ran to me, engulfing me in a hug. "remember us?"

i shook my head, trying to pry them off me. had they never heard of personal space? "no, sorry."

their faces fell and they looked to my dad for an answer. i didn't feel the need to stay while they sorted things out so i walked into the house. it was breathtaking. the three steps that went down led me to the living room, multiple huge couches laying around with a glass table placed in the middle of them. two big tv's hung on the wall. why does one living room need two tv's? the two giant staircases on each side of the house shone, made from diamonds. that must've cost a lot of money, what were their jobs? being too caught in my own thoughts, i didn't notice mr huxx take my bags from me and lift them up stairs. but i did notice lorenz walking down the staircase. he looked different than when i'd last seen him. he was wearing black pants that hugged his thigh muscles perfectly and a black button up shirt. the first few buttons of his shirt were left unbuttoned revealing his toned chest and... tattoos? his messy dreads were now clean braids, though i kind of liked the messy look better on him. he still looked insanely attractive.

"darling why don't you take ara to your room?" lorenz's mum suggested.

he merely glanced at me before shaking his head. "i'd rather not."

"lorenz," she said sternly.

"fine," he mumbled.

what a cunt.

following him up the stairs, the second level seemed just as elegant as the first. he opened the door to his room and walked in as i followed. his room was huge also, just like every other thing in this house, though what caught my attention was the girl on his bed who was dressed in a tank top and underwear. no pants.

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