chapter eleven

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on friday morning, i was reading my new book but my brain got tired, so i decided to watch some television instead.

"what to watch," i mumbled to myself as i scrolled through the suggested movies on netflix. there was nothing that caught my attention.

it was only lorenz and i were at home, though i wasn't sure where the adults had gone. he usually stayed up in his room, which was honestly better for me too, i didn't want to see him. camille came around often but she and i never spoke. what were we supposed to say to each other? she was a bitch.

and i was officially bored out of my mind. nothing to read, nothing to watch, no one to talk to, what the fuck was i supposed to do? i decided to cook some food that i wouldn't eat. i never really felt hungry anymore, which explained all the weight i was losing, so i just made it for someone else.

taking out a pancake mix from the pantry and a pan from the cupboard, i got to work.

"what're you making?" a voice from behind me asked.

i glanced behind me and saw lorenz. "pancakes."

he was in black sweats, not wearing a shirt, his hair messed up since he'd probably just woken up. "why are you up so early?"

"what do you mean early?"

"ara," he muttered, putting a hand on my shoulder and turning me around. "it's six am."

"so?" i shrugged his hand off my shoulder and turned around, returning to my pancakes and even adding chocolate chips to some of them.

"so it's fucking early," he yawned, sitting on the counter beside the stove and stretching his muscles.

i didn't reply to him, but continued to pour the pancake mix that was almost finished and made way too many than necessary.

"did you even sleep?"

"nope," i replied, popping the p.

putting all the food on a plate, i placed it on the kitchen island, along with syrup, milk and a fork and knife.

"where are you getting all this energy from? 'cause last week you couldn't even climb out of bed to go piss."

his constant blabbering was starting to make me angry. how was it his business if i slept or didn't? he had a girlfriend, why didn't he go and monitor her sleep schedule instead?

"can you fuck off?" i snapped as he held his hands up in defence.

"geez, sorry."

opening some of the cabinets in the kitchen, i realised how unorganised they were and immediately made it my mission to organise every single one of them. i took out every cup and plate and bowl and began washing them, drying them and washing and drying them again.

"what did you do all night? didn't you get bored?" lorenz asked me, distracting me from the task at hand.

"not really," i answered quickly. "i worked out, organised my clothes in the closet, cleaned the bathroom attached to my room, worked out again, changed my bed sheets and finished a book."

i could hear him coughing loudly behind me. "what the fuck. why? aren't you tired? and what the fuck are you doing now?"

i paused for a second, deciding to answer his questions one by one. "because i wanted to. i'm not tired. i'm washing and organising the dishes."

"why? you know we have servants to do this shit right?"

i chuckled loudly. "alright rich boy. i'm perfectly fine doing this myself. let your servants rest."

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