chapter seven

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"leave me alone."

it had been a few weeks since i'd met lorenz and he hadn't given up on trying to make me remember him. and yet everytime i told him i still didn't remember our childhood together, he became more and more upset. it was as if he was trying to make himself miserable and it soon became very draining having to take care of a grown ass man who acted like a five year old.

"i don't remember, lorenz."

he crossed his arms and scooted away from me on the couch. "but that's not fair!"

"can you leave me alone now?" i asked boredly, flicking through netflix on the tv.

the grabbed the remote from my hand and sat on it. like i said, he acted like a fucking baby.

"can i have the remote?"


in the past week things had gotten better. i'd moved back in with my dad and he was around more. i knew how difficult it was for him. he was in pain, it was obvious. and i couldn't really do much about it.

the creaking of the front door caught our attention, causing lorenz to finally stop talking. i looked over, glad to see a very pretty girl walk in. abby. i hadn't seen her since the last time she'd come over. running toward her, i gave her a bone crushing hug, her body pressed tightly against mine as she hugged me back.

she walked to the couch and sat next to lorenz. last time she came over lorenz and my dad had gone out, so this was their first meeting. i sat in her lap, her arm wrapped around my waist. they mumbled a quick hi to each other.

i bent down to her ear, my lips slightly grazing her jaw. "i missed you."

our foreheads touched as she smiled back at me. "i missed you more, why aren't you coming to school?"

i was about to speak when a cough interrupted. lorenz. "uhh are you guys... you know."

i couldn't help but laugh at his awkwardness. "dating?"

how i wish we were.

he nodded.

"no... she's my best friend."

i turned to look at her to see that she was already staring at me, causing my heart to flutter because how could someone be so beautiful? we stared at each other, a small smile dancing on her lips that i so badly wanted to kiss.

lorenz cleared his throat. "are you... you know, rainbow?"

i laughed out loud, falling to the side of the couch, leaving abby in the middle. "i'm bi. is that an issue?"

"no, not at all." he coughed, his face becoming redder and redder. "this is embarrassing."

he stood up and left, leaving her and i alone until we decided to go up to my room. laying in bed, we watched a movie and shared a joint, her lying flat on her back allowing me to rest my head on her chest, my leg wrapped around her waist.

i knew the second we met that there was something about her i needed. turns out it wasn't something about her at all. it was all of her. in that moment i felt the happiest i'd been in a long time.

"are you okay, bebe?" abby asked, looking at me with worried eyes.

i smiled at her. "i'm okay."

once the movie ended, i realised that i needed a shower. drying myself off with a towel, i looked in the mirror. i'd become thinner than what i used to be and although i tried to convince myself that i wasn't sure how to feel about it, deep down i was ecstatic. deciding to ditch a bra, i threw on an oversized pink shirt with black lace underwear. pants are uncomfortable and my dad wasn't home. i strolled out of the bathroom to see abby was still on her phone. she'd changed too, wearing one of my tank tops and sweats. i was jealous of her. of her looks, her personality, her. her body was perfect, the way her broad shoulders were the perfect size for her DD boobs, the outline of abs on her stomach, her waist that was tiny and a big ass that brought the whole thing together.

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