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Iris above^^

Little update on everything: I am not giving up on any of my stories I've just had to take a break. Writer's block has been hitting me hard but I think I'm finally getting over it and will hopefully be able to start writing chapters again soon. Also I have a new pet, she's a little hedgehog named Luna. Very spikey and pokey but very cute.

Iris P.O.V.

 I groaned as I stretched out, my leg hitting the wall. "Fudge nuggets," I hissed out as I felt the bruise on my leg burn. I sat up and touched the yellowish bruise, wincing slightly as the scratch on it reopened. “I should just sow that thing shut,” I muttered as I swung out of the bunk bed and dropped to the floor.

I quickly slipped my shoes on, cheaply made sandals that rubbed my foot raw where the straps were. It was better than the filthy floor of the bunk room. God how much I hated the bunk room but when you’re a G on the caste list then this was the best you could get.I still didn’t fully understand the caste list or why it existed but I did have to live by the rules of it.

And the rules were ridiculous. Depending on your rank you were only allowed to work in certain places, go to certain stores, and even order at certain restaurants. It was stupid if you asked me but maybe I was just bitter about being a G. G was the worst caste you could get, even prisoners got at the very least an E or an F. Lucky me got a G when I was assigned my caste, I don’t know how they determined my caste when they didn’t even know who I was. 

I had gone to bed in my world, something vastly different from this. There was no caste system and my world was so much more modern than the land I was in now. This place was medieval and dark as well as dreary. My world was vibrant, it had technology and was just so much better than this place in my opinion. I had often wished to go home but never voiced it to anyone. I knew they would see me as crazy.

In fact, they already saw me as crazy since I had woken up in the middle of the field with only a bra and panties on but still, I had heard what they did to crazy people. Actually I would have preferred that compared to the overwhelming embarrassment I felt when I woke up in the field. I’m pretty sure I’m still blushing and it’s been months since that happened. I still hadn’t lived it down in the town.

I changed quickly and put on my work outfit, tying the apron around my waist tightly. I fixed my dark brown hair up in a bun before leaving the bunk room. I washed my face off in the sink that was in the little hall area that connected to the factory. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled softly. I did have to admit that I was attractive even with the cracked mirror and my pale skin.

My green eyes stayed vibrant and I was glad because my eyes were my favorite part of my whole body. “IRIS! GET TO WORK,” I heard the boss shout, making me roll my eyes as I left the hall and entered the factory. I went to my station and got to work, grumbling about how unfair my boss was. He was an F and since he was one caste above us workers, he thought he could order us around like slaves. I get that he was my boss and I did have some respect for him but he was such a jerk at times that I immediately lost my respect.

I would prefer if he could be a little nicer but the man seemed to lack the ability at all. I started working on the items I had been given to make. I had no clue what I was doing in the beginning but I had learned what not to do which was ask questions. Asking questions got you yelled at and hardly anyone cared if you got yelled at. My job was simple enough but it was hard at first.

I had to learn how to cut strips of leather perfectly without a measuring tool or guideline. If I cut it too short then it wouldn’t fit the sandals or the aprons it went on correctly. If I cut it too short then I had the same issue which was quite annoying. I remembered one day I had done it twice, just twice, and the boss had yelled at me for an hour straight. I had left the office in tears and had to go back to work still crying. One of my work mates, Micheal, had spent a little bit of time comforting me. It was in his nature to care for others just as it seemed to be in my nature to cry.

It did occasionally get me pitying looks when I cried, I had to just deal with the people who would tell me to grow up as well. I couldn’t help it though, it was hard to deal with things sometimes. I just got overwhelmed and I would start crying or have a breakdown because of my emotions. I didn’t really have a reason and Micheal said that I should try to get a classification but since I’m from another world it is sort of hard to get classified.

I wasn’t quite sure what being classified was either. I knew it had something to do with like these people called subs and doms but that was about it. I had also heard of each one having a category like domme, master, mistress, mommys, daddys, littles, pets, and many more. Micheal was a master but he said that he was a soft master which didn’t make sense to me but if that’s what he wanted to call himself then that was fine with me.

I looked up when I felt someone touch my shoulder. Micheal was looking at me with a small frown as he said something. I shook my head slightly while tilting my head. “What’d you say Mikey?” I asked, making him sigh softly.

"Come with me,” he said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the factory, leading me to the storage room where we kept extra supplies. 

"What are you doing?” I asked as he moved some crates to the side. He pushed me into the little gap and started to stack the crates up.

"I’m saving you Iris. Today is the selection. A day of sacrifices where F’s and G’s are shipped off to be sacrificed or enslaved,” Michael explained quietly. A loud whistle sounded making me jump slightly as I winced from the pain. “Only a few will be picked but they never come back, you must stay here. It is safe,” he said as he leaned over and kissed my head gently.

"Why? I have no purpose. How do they even do this selection thing?” I asked as he continued to stack the crates to hide me. He paused as he went to pick up the final crate to hide me.

"They draw names from a wheel. If your name is chosen then you are taken. If I hide you and your name gets picked then you are safe. They would look for you for a bit but hopefully give up however if you got picked... Iris you would die. They would put you in an asylum if you even mentioned the possibility of another world existing, they would lock you up and throw away the key, “ he said as he put the final crate into place. “Stay safe,” he whispered before I heard his footsteps fade away, leaving me in the pitch dark and all alone.

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