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A/N: This story has the potential to contain profanity and content that may be inappropriate, offensive or possibly triggering to some readers. I will try to put a warning for the latter, but the profanity will be sprinkled throughout the story. Now, let's get on to the story!


???'s POV

I hate that stuck up bitch so much. No matter what it is, she's always the top in everything she does. She never interacts with others and always gives off the vibe that she looks down on everyone else. You can tell just by the way she responds to you if you approach her.

I hate her so much. I am always so far behind her. I want to be the best; I want to take the top crown away from her. She doesn't deserve it! I do!

I spend so much time working my ass off only to be completely overshadowed by her; one moment I think I am on top, and then the next moment she is suddenly taking it away from me. Fuck the other people in the way. The only one that matters is her: the top position.

I have spent an uncountable number of days observing that bitch. All of her actions are jotted down in my journal, so I can formulate my plans on how to take her down. I have to gather all of the information I can about her to make taking her down a breeze.

I have yet to enact a single plan of mine. It is way too early to do so. I have 100s of plans written down in my journal. There are so many scenarios that I could utilize. The only problem was that none of the pre-conditions have been met yet.

I just have to bid my time. If I am patient, I will eventually be able to take her down. I will bring her down to her knees and crush her very being. Only then will I be satisfied.

"Mark my words. I will do whatever it takes to ruin you no matter how long it takes, and I will take your top position away from you."


A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to the Prologue of my new fanfic! This will be a Momo x Female Reader fanfic. I decided to go with this ship based on comments in my other fanfic "Scared to Love Again". Updates will come out for this fanfic once I write the Epilogue for "Scared to Love Again". Anyways, until next time, thank you for the support!

P.S. I decided to rewrite the Prologue as I didn't like the feel of the original one.

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now