Drunk and upset

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"Tobio, do we have to go out tonight?" You look over to your best friend, Kageyama Tobio. The two of you exiting from the university campus. "I don't want to go either so that's why you're coming with me."

"But...I don't know anyone from your group of high school friends." You slow your footsteps, crossing your arms. "You would've if you went to more of my games." Kageyama retorts, pulling away your crossed arms. "I had other things to do than watch a bunch of guys run around for a ball." Exhaling, you continue to walk with Kageyama. The two of you enter the busy streets of Tokyo during the five o'clock rush hour. "Volleyball is more than that Y/N." Kageyama corrects you.

"Sure." You say sarcastically, a small smile on your face. "You love volleyball more than me. I get it." Kageyama goes quiet from your words, he bites his lip. You steer the topic back to tonight's get together. "So who exactly will be there? Any girls?" You're careful to not bump into anyone's shoulder while the two of you cross the street. "Kiyoko and Yachi will be there." You brighten when you hear their names. "Are they still with their boyfriends? What were their names again..."

"Tanaka and Hinata." Kageyama answers, he shakes his head at your horrible memorizing skills. "Yeah! Them. Is everyone there from our high school or...?" Kageyama takes a right turn and you follow after him. "I think a few guys from the other schools will be there."

"And what are we meeting up for again?"

Kageyama pulls your cheek lightly. "You ask way too many questions Y/N." Your hand slaps Kageyama's hand away, your brows furrowing together. "You expect me to not question you and obediently follow you?"

"Yeah." Kageyama flashes a smirk your way. "In your dreams Tobio. Unlike everyone else, I can handle you. Don't try me. I have so much dirt on you from our childhood." A devilish smile forms on your face when you wink towards Kageyama. "Did you also blackmail your ex's?" Kageyama jabs right back at you. You give him a quick nudge. "Shut up. Those idiots don't know what they lost."

"Now I'm stuck with you." Kageyama sarcastically sighs. "I hate you." You turn around, pretending to leave him alone. Kageyama grabs onto the strap of your purse and pulls you back. "No you don't. I'm the only friend you have so you can't hate me for long." Kageyama's blue eyes look into your e/c eyes. Lowering your eyes from Kageyama, you turn back around and continue to follow him. He opens the door to one of many izakaya's that line the restaurant strip. You start to feel slightly nervous. "Are you sure you need me here?" You mumble next to Kageyama who's looking for any familiar face.

"Are you chickening out on me?" Kageyama spots Hinata's brightly colored orange hair. His hand grabs onto your wrist so you can't escape. "Just drink a few beers and relax Y/N."

"A few? Dumbass I'm a light weight." You grumble, being pulled by him. "I know." Kageyama wears a small smirk before he returns to his eye piercing resting face. "Kageyama!" Hinata turns around to see him, a wide smile on his face. "What took you so long?" Hinata's eyes flick over to you. "She looks familiar..." Hinata tilts his head, staring intensely at you. "Stop, you'll make her want leave even more than she wants to if you stare at her." Kageyama uses his other hand to block Hinata's eyes.

"Y/L/N?" Kiyoko calls out to you, she sits across from Hinata. "Kiyoko!" You cheerfully say her name. "Did you get even more beautiful since we last seen each other?" Kiyoko smiles from your compliment, "I think you have."

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