It's not you. It's me.

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You're drowned in several essays and projects when December rolls around. Not only is there classwork to do, you're also trying to balance time to study for upcoming tests. Christmas is only 15 days away and you still haven't found anything for Oikawa. You're scrolling through different websites to get ideas but nothing calls out to you. Kageyama peers over your shoulder, he rests his chin on your shoulder. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be finishing off that essay." You are over at Kageyama's house to catch up while working on your separate assignments.

"I'm taking a break." You mumble, hovering over a few simple rings. "Tobio, do guys like to wear rings?" Kageyama raises an eyebrow, he looks at you curiously. "Personally, I don't since it'll be in the way when I want to play volleyball." You groan, closing your laptop and resting your head on the cool laptop surface. Kageyama sits up straight and notices your flustered reaction. "Are you trying to get some guy a ring?" Kageyama furrows his brows together.

You shrug, your voice muffling into your laptop. "I don't know what to get him."

"Who?" Kageyama raises your head up, making you look at him. "Your worst enemy." You stick your tongue out playfully when you watch Kageyama's face scrunch together. "Get him a bag of coal and call it a day." Kageyama huffs, releasing his hold on your head. "Why are you getting him something anyway? He's been nothing but a hassle in your life since you've met him."

You grow quiet from Kageyama's words. You did go through several emotional and physical hurdles since you've interacted with Oikawa. But no matter how much you try to push him away, he placed himself in front of you without trying. He's also trying to change himself for the better, even though his reasoning is a bit childish. You believe his reasoning may only be half true. You've never met anyone who's willing to change themselves just to be your friend.

Kageyama notices Y/N's long silence and flicks her nose. "Are you thinking about him?" Your hands fly to your nose, rubbing the spot Kageyama's flicked. "Help me get Oikawa something Tobio!" You whine out.

"As if I'm going to do that. Go back to work." Kageyama flips open your laptop and pulls up your word document.


"Oikawa, what are we doing here?" Iwaizumi stares at the glass case of rings. Oikawa adjusts the glasses on his face and leans away from the glass case. "I'm trying to get Y/L/N a Christmas gift. But...these are not good enough for her." Oikawa's voice falls into silence when he walks away.

Iwaizumi perks up when he hears Oikawa's frustration. "You've never bought a girl a gift before on Christmas. This is exciting." Iwaizumi chuckles. "Shut up." Oikawa claps back, staring at another glass case. An employee catches sight of Oikawa and Iwaizumi, she stares at herself in the mirror before walking over to assist him. "Hello gentlemen." Her bubbly voice catches Iwaizumi's attention but not Oikawa's. "Did you need any assistance?" Her attention focuses on Oikawa but he pays her no mind.

"Uh, I apologize. He gets like this when he's focused." Iwaizumi apologizes to the employee, nudging Oikawa. Oikawa raises his eyes up and notices the employee. She gives him a sly smile when he looks up. "Perfect, I need your help. What ring would you like for a Christmas gift?" Oikawa straightens up and glances at the girl from his glasses. His question makes her blush and she eyes the many glass cases around in the store. "This ring is popular this year." She walks over to the glass case that's closer to the front of the store. Oikawa stares at the flashy ring.

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