Explain yourself

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The smell of eggs and the pounding of your head slowly wakes you up. You flutter your eyes open and see an unfamiliar ceiling above you. You bolt awake, sitting up way too fast. Instantly regret doing so when you feel the wooziness of your head. "Good morning sunshine." A chipper voice speaks to you from the kitchen. You flick your eyes over and see Oikawa. You narrow your eyes on him, brows furrowed.

How did you get here?

Oikawa walks over to you with a glass of water and medicine. "Your head hurts, right?" You reluctantly take the glass and pills out of his hand, knocking your head back and swallowing the water down. "How did I get here?" You look over to Oikawa who makes himself comfortable on the edge of the bed. "You can't remember?" Oikawa speaks lowly, his face inches close to yours. Your eyes waver when you look at him. "Should I kiss you to bring those memories of last night back?" You feel his breath tickle your lips.

A surge of memories from last night smacks you in the face.

You ran out of the restaurant because of Kageyama. Oikawa offered to take you home but due to it being so late, there was no train for you to take back. You came here to crash on his sofa but the two of you ended up fooling around. You groan, rubbing your forehead. You mentally curse yourself for being so stupid. You look around for your purse which lays on the coffee table. Oikawa watches you stand up and reach for your phone from your purse.

"Kageyama called last night." You freeze when you hear Oikawa mention Kageyama. He gets off the bed and walks over to you, placing his hand over your phone. "He's probably going to be upset when you see him." A smirk lays on Oikawa's face. "Why?" You stare at Oikawa in confusion. "Did you answer my phone?" Oikawa sticks his tongue out and winks. "I might've." You pull your phone away from Oikawa, knitting your brows together. "What did you say to Tobio?"

Oikawa leans over to your ear, "I've never been with a girl who wants to take the lead." You purse your lips, his words echoing in your ear. You push past Oikawa.


Kageyama is definitely going to lecture you at this point. You hurry over to the entrance of the apartment and slide on your shoes. Avoiding Oikawa's eyes you say a thank you and turn the doorknob to exit. Oikawa hurries over to you, grabbing onto your wrist. "Are you sure you should go out looking like that?" He points over to a mirror that hangs on the wall. You walk over and notice how frazzled your hair is. Your blouse completely wrinkled. You groan when you see yourself. Oikawa walks over to his dresser and hands you a change of shirt.

"I'll be seeing you again Y/L/N. My phone number is in your contacts when you want to give me my shirt back." Oikawa wears a slick smirk. Your lips twitch and you take the shirt from him. He points over to his bathroom and walks back to the kitchen. Biting your lower lip, you walk towards his bathroom to change your blouse.

You're never drinking alcohol again.


You take the first train back to your studio apartment and take a quick shower before changing. Your first class starts in an hour. The commute to the university will take you roughly twenty minutes. Hurriedly, you grab your laptop and messenger bag, stopping to stare at Oikawa's shirt that you threw into your laundry hamper. Clicking your tongue, you hurry out of the door after locking it behind you. In a rush you slam face first into Kageyama's chest. He wears a scowl on his face, his darken eyes much more intimidating than usual.

"Good morning Tobio." You force a smile on your face. "You have some explaining to do Y/N." Kageyama's tone deep. "Well, can I explain as we walk to school? My next class starts in an hour." You step to the side, walking past Kageyama. He reaches out for your wrist and pulls you back to him.

"What happened between you and Oikawa?" Kageyama darts his dark blue eyes towards you. "Why does it matter to you Tobio? We're both grown adults. Whatever we did last night has no concern to you." You pull your wrist away from Kageyama, exhaling deeply. Kageyama's face looks troubled and scrunched up, he bites his bottom lip. "So you two fucked last night, right?" Kageyama bluntly says what's on his mind.

"Yeah." You respond quietly, lowering your eyes to your shoes. Kageyama sighs, turning his hands into fists. "I shouldn't have let him stop me last night." You raise an eyebrow, turning your attention back to Kageyama. "You're not going to see him again, are you?" Kageyama asks you with tight knit brows. "Why would I? I already hate myself for drinking so irresponsibly." Your eyes downcast. "I became another one of those girls to him." The thought makes you disgusted but in the back of your mind you didn't hate the pleasure you received.

You rid those thoughts out of your head. "If this conversation is done, I'd like to start walking to the university campus." You wait for Kageyama's response. He crosses his arms. "I wish you were more careful Y/N. Oikawa is a player."

"Things wouldn't have turned out the way it did if you and I were more careful. Me with my drinking and you with your words." A frown etches on your face. "I really think we don't see eye to eye Tobio. You're never on my side." Feeling the tingles of anxiety crawl in your palms, you turn your back against Kageyama. "I'm going now." You quickly walk down two staircases and out towards the busy streets.

Kageyama keeps up with Y/N's speed, he gives the two some distance. He wears a troubled expression. Kageyama didn't know how to explain his feelings to Y/N. After the excruciating awkward walk to campus, Kageyama calls out to her. "Y/N." His deep voice makes you stop. You wait for Kageyama to stand in front of you. "Let's have a one on one talk tonight. I won't lecture you, I promise." You quietly stare at Kageyama, trying to find any trace of a lie but you don't see any.

"Okay. Where at?" You relax your shoulders. "My place. Text me when you're close by so I can meet you halfway." You hold back the smile that wants to form. Despite Kageyama's unruly behavior, he can be sweet sometimes. "I'll see you tonight then." You turn to leave and you hear Kageyama speak up again.

"Make sure you pay attention in class." A giggle escapes from you. "I think you should say that to yourself Tobio."

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