Christmas plans with Oikawa

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You're not surprised when you hear Kageyama outside your apartment door the next morning. "Y/N, open the door!" Kageyama knocks against the door. Luckily for you, you have no classes today, so you pretend to sleep in. "I just want to talk." You hear the frustration in Kageyama's tone and it's not the very thing you want to hear first thing in the morning.

"Go away." You yell from your bed.

"Is Oikawa in there with you?" Kageyama grumbles out.

"No!" You furrow your brows together, upset Kageyama came to that conclusion.

"Open the door so I can see!" Kageyama shouts.

"CAN YOU TWO STOP YELLING." Your next door neighbor flings her door open, and glares at Kageyama. "I'M TRYING TO MAKE LOVE WITH MY BOYFRIEND."

Kageyama's face flushes bright red and you laugh into your blanket. You can only imagine how embarrassed Kageyama feels right now. Slowly sitting up, you walk over to the front door to let him in. Kageyama scurries inside after apologizing to your neighbor. He throws his glare towards you but your back is to him, you walk over to your bathroom and Kageyama follows after you when he takes his shoes off. "What do you need Tobio." You curtly say, grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste.

"I need you to explain yourself for yesterday. What girl Y/L/N?" Kageyama leans his back against the bathroom door, staring at you in the mirror. You narrow your eyes at him in the reflection.

"The girl you were talking to outside of the restaurant."

Kageyama tries to think back and he sighs once he's realized what Y/N's talking about. You focus on brushing your teeth, spitting out the toothpaste. "I don't know who that girl is. She needed to borrow my phone to call her friend. Her phone died and she called to let them know where she was." You choke on the water you're gargling when you hear Kageyama speak. "But you were laughing and blushing." You whip around to look at Kageyama directly.

"I was just laughing to fill the silence and I blushed because I felt embarrassed when I touched her fingers." Kageyama glares at you, crossing his arms. You purse your lips, feeling embarrassed that you made up a whole dramatic scenario about Kageyama finding a new girl. You clear your throat, turning back to the sink to splash water on your face to cool off your flushed face.

"So you ran off with Oikawa to get me back at something you misunderstood?" Kageyama pulls your ear, water hitting onto his fingers when you wash your face. "S-STOP TOBIO." He releases your ear and grabs a face towel for you, tossing it at your face. Kageyama steps out of your bathroom and looks around, not seeing Oikawa anywhere. "So he really isn't here..." Kageyama murmurs to himself.

"Of course not. He went home after dropping me off." You say, walking past Kageyama and towards your vanity to brush your hair. "Nothing happened between you two?" Kageyama sits himself on the sofa. "No." You curtly respond. Kageyama eyes you from his spot, noticing your swaying eyes. "Y/N." Kageyama says your name sternly. "We just talked about you." You easily open up to Kageyama. "I told him how I was afraid you wouldn't be around me when you find a girlfriend." You run your brush through your hair, looking at Kageyama from the mirror.

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