Use me

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Your mind slowly clears up from the walk with Oikawa. His arm helps you stand up while he reaches into his pocket for the key to his studio apartment. "Here we are." Oikawa softly speaks, opening the door for you. You wobbly walk inside, resting a hand to the side of your throbbing head. You feel absolutely trashed. Oikawa takes hold of your hand to guide you towards the bed that's placed in the corner of the small one room apartment. "You can have the bed. I'll take the sofa." Shaking your head, you stop Oikawa from helping you onto his bed.

"I'm the one intruding, I'll take the sofa."

Oikawa wiggles his pointer finger left and right. "That wouldn't be very gentleman-like of me." Stubborn, you walk over to the sofa and weakly lay yourself down. Oikawa watches Y/L/N with a small smile, shaking his head. "You're quite stubborn Y/L/N. How does Kageyama handle you?" Oikawa slowly walks over to her, squatting down to look at her face. "He doesn't." You slur your words, eyes closed.

"So you're telling me no one can put you in your place?" Oikawa's tone piques your interest. Your eyes flutter open and you turn to look at Oikawa's face. The moonlight streams through the blinds of the window, perfectly shining against Oikawa. Part of his face hides in the shadows of the room. His eyes seem distant and the smile he holds on you didn't seem genuine. This kind of expression is always your kryptonite. You are attracted to the ones you couldn't get a read on.

The mysterious bad boy types.

"I'm sure I can change that." Oikawa's voice rumbles out of his throat, his hand carefully tucks loose hair behind your ear. The warmness of his fingers stings you when he grazes his finger against your ear. Your body ached physical contact. Giving in to your crave, you decide to play along with Oikawa. A smirk grows on your face when you raise an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"As long as you are okay with it. I don't want to take advantage of our current drunk situation." Oikawa lowers his eyes to your lips, his thumb slowly grazes against your soft lips. Your breath hitches and you're quick to stop his hand. A smirk etches onto his face when he sees you stare at him. "I'm sure you need pleasure as much as I do Y/L/N."

"Shut up." You weakly retort. You lower Oikawa's hand and he keeps his eyes on you. Nibbling your bottom lip, you ponder on the situation.

The two of you just met today.

Are you really going to have a one night fling with him?

Your mind crosses over to Kageyama. Your face quickly scrunches at the thought of him.

Why are you thinking about him at a time like this?

All these thoughts start to bother you and you give in to your desires. You couldn't handle the pounding in your head from more intruding thoughts. "You're right." You murmur into the quiet apartment. Oikawa smirks when he hears your response. His large palm strokes your cheek and he lightly presses a kiss to your lips. "Let me numb the pain for you temporarily Y/L/N." Oikawa's husky voice captures your heart.

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