Different kinds of loneliness

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You're unsure where you ran off to. Your legs give out from under you and you're now squatting in the middle of the crowd, crying your eyes out. No one pays you any mind when they past. A few do grumble under their breath when they walk around. You didn't care if anyone is judging you.

Nothing mattered.

The only person you confided in is someone you can't even be vulnerable in front of.

Pulling your knees to your chest, you hide your face in your arms. The loud sounds of car honks and bustling feet sounds far away compared to your loud sobs and pounding heart in your eardrums.

"Iwa-chan, let's go to the mall." Oikawa places his arm around Iwaizumi's shoulder. "Idiot, we have homework to do." Iwaizumi slips out from Oikawa's arm. "What are you staring at so intensely, Kyōtani?" Kyōtani points over to Y/L/N. "Some girl is crying over there."

"Girl?! Where?!" Oikawa perks up, following Kyōtani's gaze. "Don't you dare go over there Oikawa." Iwaizumi sternly speaks up, extending his hand towards the back of Oikawa's shirt. "I can't leave a girl crying by herself Iwa-chan." Oikawa cheekily smiles, bolting away before Iwaizumi can grab hold of him. Iwaizumi groans under his breath, rubbing the corner of his temples. "That idiot hasn't changed since high school." Kyōtani shrugs, uninterested. "I'm going home." Iwaizumi glances over at Oikawa before also heading home.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" You hear a familiar chipper voice in front of you. Slowly, you lift your head up and to your surprise you see Oikawa. Oikawa looks just as surprised as you are when he notices your familiar face. "Y/L/N? Didn't you say you had to go see Kageyama? What are you doing in the middle of street path crying?"

Of all the people in the world, Oikawa is the one you're looking at right now. You feel a bit dejected that it's not Kageyama. You lower your head back down, not answering Oikawa. He's the very definition of the guy's you end up falling for. He's just more flirtatious than the previous ex's of yours. Oikawa purses his lips together, unsure what he should do. His eyes stare at your hidden face. An idea pops into his head when he takes his backpack off. His hand rummages around for something.

"Y/L/N. Look!" Oikawa calls out to you again. You didn't want to entertain him right now. He puffs his cheeks when he notices Y/L/N's lack of participation. He gently places a hand on the top of her head, stroking her hair. Your breath catches in your throat from the sudden touch. Anxiety crawling in your palms. Your body continues to ache for human touch. Weakly, you lift your head up to look at Oikawa. He grins when he sees your face again.

"Ta-da." Oikawa hums out, opening his palm with a piece of candy sitting in the middle.

You wipe your tears away, staring at the wrapped candy. You hesitate to take it.

Is this Oikawa's way of comforting you?

It's much more childish than you expected.

Oikawa takes the candy out of his palm and unwraps it. He holds the hard candy against your lips. Your eyes flutter down to the red hard candy. "It's strawberry flavored. You'll like it." Oikawa insists you to open your mouth. You silently part your lips, feeling the hard candy enter your mouth. Your tongue tastes the artificial strawberry candy. "Now let's stand you up so you're not blocking foot traffic." Oikawa extends a hand to you but you don't accept his offer. You slowly stand up, gripping onto the strap of your bag. You didn't want to lean on Oikawa. Kageyama's words drilled into the back of your mind.

"Or maybe you're just easily swayed."

You frown when you recall his words, the tears forming again. Oikawa silently watches your face contort into pain. "Y/L/N, should I walk you to the train station?" Oikawa's voice pulls you out of your thoughts. "I'll be fine." You answer him, your eyes gaze around you and you find yourself unsure where you are. Oikawa dryly chuckles when he notices. "Are you sure? You look lost."

You press your lips together, gripping even tighter on your messenger bag strap.

"I promise to take you to the train station and I'll leave right after." Oikawa slides his hands into his pockets, he heads off without your response. You bite your tongue, following behind Oikawa. Oikawa slows his steps so the two of you are walking next to each other. You keep your eyes ahead, your body a far distance away from him. "This is the second time I've seen you cry. I can only guess it's from Kageyama." Oikawa softly speaks beside you. You don't utter a word. "He sure knows how to make a girl cry." Oikawa's words weigh heavy in your heart. Kageyama only recently made you cry. The past years were different.

"Don't talk bad about Tobio." You mutter out. Oikawa looks at you from the corner of his eyes. A smirk forms on his face. "You still stick up for him even though he's the reason you're crying?" Oikawa curiously asks you. "Why?" Your lips tremble and your eyes waver. "Because he's the only person I have left." Tears easily slip out of your eyes again. Oikawa tenses when he hears the amount of hurt in Y/L/N's voice. The smirk on his face falls and he lowers his gaze. Taking a deep breath, he extends his hand out to point at the train station.

"Well, here's where your ride will be, princess." Oikawa forces a smile on his face. His usual chipper tone speaking to you. You thank Oikawa, not wanting to look him in the eye. Oikawa watches Y/L/N disappear into the crowd. A sigh escapes from him and he recalls her words.

"Because he's the only person I have left."

Y/L/N's words strangely pierces him in the chest. Those words weighed heavily in his mind. Despite being surrounded by others, he still feels very alone. Oikawa himself didn't see anyone as someone he can lean on or be vulnerable with. Everyone around him is either using him for their own advantage or vice versa.

Oikawa pulls himself out of his thoughts. His eyes flicking over to a group of girls who are eyeing him. He forces on a smile and makes his way over to the girls. Tonight will be like any other night. He'll numb his pain with temporary pleasure.

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