You're my weakness

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"What's gotten into you Oikawa?" Iwaizumi was called out by Oikawa later in the evening. The two are sitting at a bar, sharing a bottle of sake. "Did some girl stand you up?" Oikawa knocks down another shot of sake, sighing under his breath. "Do you care about me Iwaizumi?" Iwaizumi stares at Oikawa in silence. "If I didn't, I would've ignored your phone call."

Oikawa nods his head, pouring himself another glass of sake. "I wish you were a girl sometimes. That way I wouldn't waste my time fooling around with these randoms." Iwaizumi shakes his head. "I'm not going to take that as a compliment." Iwaizumi slowly sips on his glass. "Did someone hurt your feelings? I haven't seen you like this in awhile." Oikawa wears a half smile, his eyes stare at the shot glass in front of him. He slowly swirls the sake around. "I was told by someone that I need somebody to keep me in check."

"So you pissed a girl off? Must not be your average girl if her words got you this irritated." Iwaizumi looks over to Oikawa, noticing his distant gaze. "Maybe I misjudged her." Oikawa murmurs to himself. "Who is she?" Iwaizumi asks. Oikawa shakes his head, unwilling to tell Iwaizumi who's crept under his skin.

"Her name isn't important Iwa-chan." Oikawa pats Iwaizumi's shoulder. Iwaizumi turns his attention back to his sake. He slowly ponders on the list of possible girls. Oikawa never sees a girl twice. So his process of elimination is completely out of the window. Iwaizumi gives up as quickly as he started. "Well, as much as I'd love to sit around and drink with you Oikawa, I still have some classwork to finish before my classes in the afternoon. Let's take you home."

Oikawa shakes his head. "I'm staying a bit longer. You go on ahead." Iwaizumi purses his lips, brows furrowed. He debates whether or not to stay behind. Iwaizumi turns his attention towards the bartender. "Can you cut him off once it's 11PM. Also, do you have a pen I can borrow? I'll write down my number." The bartender pulls a pen out from his apron and hands it over to Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi quickly scribbles down his number and hands it to the bartender. "Please call me if this idiot is still here at 11PM." He places his payment on the table.

The two bow to each other and Iwaizumi says his farewells to Oikawa. With Iwaizumi gone, Oikawa rests his head on the bar counter. "Iwaizumi is a good guy." Oikawa mutters to himself. Oikawa wonders why Iwaizumi puts up with him. He's done nothing but trouble Iwaizumi with everything. Raising his head, he finishes off the bottle of sake. His mind buzzed and his chest warm from the alcohol. Oikawa questions his nighttime behavior. If he's not out drinking, he's out picking up girls. He recalls Y/L/N's words.

"Yeah, you have a way with your lips and body. But what else are you good at? Don't talk as if you're better than any of us."

"There's plenty of things I'm good at." Oikawa furrows his brows together, a scowl on his face.

He excels in volleyball and his grades are perfect despite others thinking he's just a dumb pretty face. Anger bubbles within him when he's reminded of Y/L/N's words. If he sets his mind to something, he'll definitely accomplish it. But of course Y/L/N wouldn't know that. She's never seen him do any of these things.

Oikawa ruffles his dark brown hair in annoyance. He calls over the bartender for another sake, downing the whole bottle when it's placed in front of him. A rush of warmth spreads throughout his chest from the alcohol. He hates how this is the only option for him to feel this kind of warmth. Oikawa drowns in his thoughts. He's 23 with his life ahead of him. With his exceptional skills in volleyball, he's guaranteed to be in the national volleyball team within time. But what he craves the most besides success, is to share that success with someone.

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