False rumors

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You're in the photo printing room with a few of your classmates late in the afternoon. Your eyelids still heavy from the lack of sleep. Waking up first thing in the morning to slip away from Kageyama gave you less time to stay in bed. A yawn escapes from you while you wait for your photo to print. You overhear your classmates whispering about you. "Someone saw Y/L/N with Oikawa last night at the red light district of Shibuya." The male student snickers to his friend.

"Oh? What were they doing there?" The guy turns his gaze over to Y/L/N's back, his eyes narrowing down to her skirt.

"No idea. I heard this is the second time someone's seen them together too." The male student also turns around to eye Y/L/N.

"Do you think they're dating then?"

"As if. Oikawa doesn't settle down. He just sleeps around with a different girl every night. Guess he had no one better to fuck around with so he resorted to Y/L/N again."

A nerve snaps when you listen in. You forget about your photos, turning around to confront the two loud students. "Are we still in high school?" The two startle when they see you behind them. With your arms crossed, you glare at the two of them. Other students who have been eavesdropping, turn their attention over to you. "Excuse me?" The one to start the gossip, cocks an eyebrow at you. "Did I stutter? I said are we still in high school?" You stand your ground, not intimidated by these two.

"No." The other one answers.

"Then maybe we should not spread gossip like we are."

The one to spread the gossip seems embarrassed and he tries to clap back. "Says the one who's sleeping around like a whore." You hear a few gasps in the room. A dark smirk forms on your face, you take one step towards the guy. "So if a girl sleeps around, she's a whore. But if a guy sleeps around, it's fine? Sexual desire is something we crave at times. Why should we be ashamed for it?"

The guy nervously leans back, your anger bubbling over. "I shouldn't need to air out my personal business like this. But to correct you, Oikawa and I didn't do anything last night." You raise your hand to slap the guy before grabbing your belongings and slamming the door closed behind you. Hearing the door click close, you exhale deeply. Your heart pounds against your rib cage. Your palm stings from the hard slap. "Ugh..." You bite your bottom lip, walking out of the building and stepping onto the campus. Your mind trails off to the thought about being known as one of the girls Oikawa's slept with. You knew this would happen but actually living it, hurts.

You walk over to a bench to cool off your head. Resting your elbows on your lap, you lean your forehead against your palms. Closing your eyes, you quietly listen to the sound of birds. Kyōtani walks past Y/L/N and stops in his tracks. His eyes narrow over to her. His eyebrow raises up when he notices the similar hair and posture. He quietly walks over to Y/L/N, tapping her boots with his sneakers. "Hey." You hear a rough voice speak above you.

A groan gets muffled in your throat when you slowly look up. You tense a bit when you notice the hostile looking short blonde haired guy with two black stripes running across the side of his head. His sharp honey brown eyes intimidates you.

What did this guy want with you?!

"Yes?" You form a single word response to him. "What's your problem?" His way of wording his question seems a bit unruly. "What do you mean? I don't have a problem with you." You answer him with a confused look on your face. "No, idiot. I'm asking you why you look like that." He points to your face. "I can't help if I look genetically like this. What's your problem?! Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" Your patience is low after your confrontation with your classmates. You have no tolerance for this blonde haired guy and his rash tone.

He quickly gets angry by your tone. "Are you stupid?!"

"What?!" The two of you start to raise your voices at each other.

"Kyōtani!" Iwaizumi rushes over to the blonde haired guy in front of you. "I can hear you shouting from over there." Iwaizumi lowers his gaze to you, his head tilting to the side. "Y/L/N?"

"You know who she is Iwaizumi?" Kyōtani points to you. You glare at his finger. "Has anyone told you that pointing is rude?" Kyōtani shows his teeth towards you and you bite your tongue in response. "Why are you yelling at her Kyōtani?" Iwaizumi brings Kyōtani's attention back to him and away from you. "I was curious to why she looked like that."

"Like what? That's not how you ask someone if they're okay." Iwaizumi corrects Kyōtani's wording. You face palm once you hear Iwaizumi correct Kyōtani. "Sorry Y/L/N, Kyōtani has a way with his words." Iwaizumi apologizes on Kyōtani's behalf. "Is everything alright?"

"Not really but it's not something I want to unload to a stranger with." You apologize for being blunt to Iwaizumi but he understands. Kyōtani crosses his arms when he looks at you. "She speaks just as bad as I do." Kyōtani grumbles. "Kyōtani." Iwaizumi sternly says his name.

Unsure how long it is before Oikawa pops up, you stand yourself up. "I should get going." You excuse yourself from the two. Kyōtani and Iwaizumi quietly watches Y/L/N leave the campus. "She was the same girl we saw last time Iwaizumi." Kyōtani speaks up, turning his attention back to Iwaizumi. "What do you mean?"

"The one that was crying in the middle of the street. That was her." Iwaizumi keeps his eye on Y/L/N's back. "She looked like she was going to cry earlier too but I guess she's angry now." Kyōtani shrugs. "Whatever, don't say I didn't try to be nice to someone today Iwaizumi." Kyōtani starts to make his way off the campus and Iwaizumi hurries to walk next to him.


With your early leave from class, you find yourself walking around Akihabara. You can forget about everything here. Your mind busy from taking photos of the liveliness around you. You step to the side of the busy street to look over your images. Zooming in you look at the color detail and notice a familiar smug person in the image.


Raising an eyebrow, you're in disbelief at how uncanny your fates align.

Why is he everywhere?

You lower your camera and see his arms placed around a girls shoulder. "Of course." You whisper under your breath. You shake your head, not surprised at all. The two seem to be out on a date, sharing takoyaki together at the stall they're standing in front of. For a split second Oikawa looks straight ahead and notices you. You're unsure if he is staring directly at you or not. A smirk forms on his face and he blows on one of the takoyaki's, raising it in front of the girl.

Is he trying to make you jealous?

The girl leans forward to take a bite but Oikawa surprises her with a kiss. He looks at you from the corner of his eyes, a grin on his face. You hold back the urge to scrunch your face, your palms litter with anxiety. Uneasiness creeps up and you push the feeling down, walking away from where you stand.

"O-Oikawa." The girl nervously mutters his name. "You surprised me." She sheepishly speaks out. "Sorry. You're just too cute." Oikawa flashes his usual fake smile. His eyes look back across the street and he's noticed Y/L/N disappeared. His eyes dart around to look for her but the girl beside him tugs his coat sleeve. "Should we go get something to drink Oikawa?"

"Sure." Oikawa refocuses back on the girl he's on a date with. She intertwines her fingers with Oikawa and pulls him towards a café. After seeing Y/L/N, Oikawa seems to lose interest in his date. 

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