I'm broken too

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You hold your ground, the lust is very tempting. "Nothing feels right about this Oikawa. It's because you're drunk." You force yourself away from him. The warmth of his body radiating quickly disappearing from you. A frown grows on Oikawa's face. "We both need each other Y/L/N. We're craving the same thing." A scowl forms on your face when you hear him. He may be right but you wouldn't want Oikawa to be the one you receive affection from. He's just using you.

"Use me again Y/L/N."

You freeze from his words. Oikawa envelopes you in his arms again, whispering into your ear in his husky drunken voice. "Use me." Your eyes soften from his coaxing voice. "Stop it. You're just manipulating me Oikawa." You're weak to push him away. Oikawa shakes his head beside you, holding you tightly. "Why are you punishing yourself Y/L/N? Your body is craving me."

"My body is probably craving anybody that's walking and breathing Oikawa." You shamefully answer him. Oikawa lifts his head up and stares at you in the darkness of his room. "Even Kageyama?" You quiet down when you notice the glare in Oikawa's eyes when he mentions Kageyama. You recall the hug you shared with Kageyama earlier today. You didn't have the urge to have a sex frenzy with him. Oikawa watches Y/L/N's face fall, a devilish smile plastering on his face. "So he can't excite you like me? At least there's another thing I'm better at then him." A deep chuckle erupts from Oikawa's chest, you feel his breath on the top of your head.

"You're always bad mouthing Tobio." You knit your brows together, shoving Oikawa's chest off of you. Your efforts are futile when you feel his lips against yours again. "And you're always sticking up for him. Why? Do you like Kageyama or something?" The smell of sake wafts towards you. "No." You answer bluntly. A smirk forms on Oikawa's face when he hears your answer. He kisses you again and you feel your mind temporarily blank out. "I don't want to let him down again by guys like you Oikawa." Your voice trembles when you stare at Oikawa's lips. Your insides twist and turn.

You want Oikawa.

"Guys like me?" Oikawa peppers kisses down your jawline. He carefully tilts your head to the side to give him better access to the nape of your neck. Oikawa kisses and flicks his tongue against your bare skin. His tongue traveling down to your collarbone. Goosebumps litter your entire body and a moan slips past you. "The kind of guy I think I could help but you're just using me before you find someone better." You recollect yourself, sadness overpowering your lust. "Guys like you Oikawa." You grab hold of his face with your trembling hands. "I'm just another play thing to you."

"I don't play with the same girls twice Y/L/N." Oikawa covers your hands with his large ones. You momentarily grow silent from his words, your heart being easily swayed. Forcing your eyes down, you shake your head. "You're just trying to make me feel special so I'd drop my guard down." Oikawa smirks, softly chuckling. "You're quite the observer." You pull your hands away from him, taking the chance to run towards the front door. "I'm not helping you again Oikawa." You slam the door behind you, running down the staircase. The corner of your eyes form tears as you clutch a hand over your heart.

You inhale sharply, feeling the ice cold air enter your lungs. You nearly let your guard down for Oikawa tonight. Something about him makes you forget your better judgement. What scares you the most is that this time you weren't intoxicated. Oikawa just naturally swayed you into playing in his palm. You glance at the time on your phone. It's nearing midnight. Pursing your lips you pull up Kageyamas number, dialing his phone.


Kageyama stares at you with groggy eyes when he opens the door to his apartment. "What are you doing on this side of Tokyo at midnight." You slip inside away from the cold and take your boots off. Kageyama closes the door behind you. "Thank you for picking up." You sheepishly say to him. "I'm going to crash on the couch."

"No you don't." Kageyama grabs hold of the hood to your coat. He turns you around to face him. "What are you doing out here Y/N." You hesitate to answer him, eyes averting down. "To visit my best friend?" Kageyama crosses his arm, the dullness in his eyes slowly comes to life. "Y/N I'm going to get angry if you don't tell me. I'm too tired for this."

"I helped Oikawa home."

Kageyama's body jolts fully awake when he hears Oikawa's name slip from your lips. "You what?" Kageyama's voice is stern and he raises an eyebrow. "He was drunk and dialed my number." You press your lips together, slowly raising your eyes to Kageyama's dark blue ones. "He tried to make me stay with him for the night but obviously he wasn't successful." Kageyama releases a dragged out exhale. "Did he try anything? You need to be more careful Y/N. Next time just ignore his call." You hesitate to tell Kageyama the several kisses Oikawa planted on you. The way his lips ignited every sense in your body.

"Tobio, is it wrong of me to give in to my sexual desire?" Kageyama is thrown off from your question. He falters in his stance. "What?" Your eyes gloss over when you stare at Kageyama. "When Oikawa kissed me, my every being wanted him." You speak softly, ashamed to admit these feelings. "I wasn't under the influence this time either." You scrunch your face. Running your fingers through your hair, your bangs fall over your face. Kageyama grips onto your shoulders, making you wince in pain. "Tobio that hurts!" You blurt out, his fingernails dig into your coat.

"What you're saying hurts!" Kageyama shouts out. "What's so great about Oikawa, Y/N? If it's sex that you want, I'll offer that to you." Your eyes widen in surprise. "What? Are you listening to yourself Tobio? Did you just really offer me that? We can't." You knit your brows together, shoving his hands off of you.

"Why not? It's okay if it's Oikawa but it's not if it's me?" Kageyama glares at you, his hands ball into fists. "We're friends Tobio."

"And you're strangers with Oikawa. Wouldn't you want this intimate act with someone you know?" Your words fail you when you look at the glare in Kageyama's eyes. He's right about sharing this vulnerable intimate experience with someone you care for. But, if you and Kageyama cross this line...what happens after? Kageyama watches Y/N's fallen face. "I like you Y/N." Kageyama's words drown your ears. You hold a silent stare at him.

"I like you so fucking much. But you're too delusional to ever notice." Kageyama angrily says between clench teeth. "You only notice the broken." Your lips tremble when you hear Kageyama's outpouring feelings. Squeezing your eyes shut you see darkness. "It's because I'm broken too Tobio." Kageyama closes his lips when he sees the tears sliding down Y/N's face. You drop to your knees, crying on Kageyama's floor in the middle of the night. Kageyama slowly calms his anger, leaning down in front of you. "Then let me help you Y/N." Kageyama's delicate fingers lift your chin up, his lips nervously kisses your quivering ones.

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