His racing heart

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"What do you usually do every year Y/L/N?" Oikawa and you stare at the mini fake Christmas trees lined up by the store front. He follows after you when you enter the store. "Watch romantic Christmas movies." You answer him, walking towards a small white tree. Oikawa muffles his laughter with his hand. "Wait, what?"

You grab one of the boxes that sits under a shelf under that specific tree. "Are you judging my taste in Christmas movies, Oikawa?" You raise an eyebrow, looking over at him. Oikawa grabs the box from you and shrugs. "Don't those movies make you feel more alone?"


Oikawa tilts his head, eyes narrowing on you. "Then why do you watch them?"

"To torture myself, why else?"

"Are you a masochist Y/L/N?" Oikawa is careful to whisper his question.

"What the fuck? No. I just like watching unrealistic love expectations." You grumble. "Set my standards to an unachievable goal."

You walk over to the Christmas decorations, picking up a tiny teddy bear ornament. "Whoever you end up dating has some big shoes to fill then." Oikawa chuckles beside you, his hand reaching towards a glass reindeer. "If there even is someone out there for me." You mumble, your tone flat. Oikawa notices your self doubt, he raises the reindeer in front of you. "There's someone out there for everyone Y/L/N." You gently take the ornament out of Oikawa's hand and smile at how beautiful it is. "Easy enough for you to say. You're handsome. I'm sure if you went up to any girl, they wouldn't hesitate to say yes to you."

You look around the aisle for a basket and see one at the other end, excusing yourself when you walk past Oikawa to grab a basket. A mischievous smirk forms on Oikawa's face, he quietly follows after Y/L/N. "Excuse me." Oikawa speaks as if he doesn't know you. With a raised eyebrow, you look up at him. "You're really cute, do you want to go out with me?" Oikawa winks at you. You notice what he's doing and giggle.

"Idiot." You whisper, placing the ornaments in your basket.

"Well, I hate to prove you wrong but I can't get every girl to say yes to me. You just proved it." Oikawa shrugs, a smile tugging the corner of his lips.

"Okay smartass." Oikawa notices Y/L/N's small smile and his insides warm up from the sight. The two continue to pick out decorations for Y/L/N's apartment and Christmas tree. With full hands after shopping for roughly two hours, the two decide to call a cab back to Y/L/N's apartment.


You take a step back to look at the tree. Oikawa plugs the lights in and the tree looks ten times better. "It's so cute!" You squeal when you stare at the tree. "Aren't you putting the tree up a bit early? December starts next week." Oikawa teases you but you ignore him. "It's too cute for me to not put up early." You adjust one of the ornaments. Oikawa stands next to Y/L/N, his eyes focused on her more than the lit tree. "Thank you for helping me Oikawa." You turn to look at him, startled that he's already looking at you.

"You're really cute when you light up like this Y/L/N."

Pressing your lips together, you avert your eyes. "I don't know how to respond to your compliments. I can't tell if you're messing around or being honest."

"Of course I'm being serious." Oikawa crosses his arms, pouting. "Sure." You laugh, walking over to your coffee table to grab your camera. You took a few photos of you and Oikawa setting up the tree earlier. But now that the tree is up and lit, you wanted to capture the moment. Oikawa quietly watches you raise the camera up towards him. He easily smiles when he sees your camera. You couldn't help but smile when you see his bright grin.

"The tree makes you look a hundred times better."

"Are you saying I don't look good without that tree behind me?" Oikawa grumbles, walking over towards you to look at the image. "Yeah. Look how much of a difference you look without it back there." You cover your hand over the tree to show Oikawa. "This looks like any photo I take of you. But with the tree in the back..." You uncover your hand and the image seems more festive and warm.

"Looks the same to me..." Oikawa murmurs beside you, his hair tickling your face. "Whatever, you don't get my vision." You lower your camera and place it back on the coffee table. The sound of the doorbell catches your attention and you hurry to answer the door, accepting the takeout from the delivery driver. "Perfect timing." You walk over to your coffee table and place the bag of sushi takeout on the table. Oikawa joins you on the sofa and he takes one of the sushi platters from you.

"Should we exchange gifts?" You bring up the topic, handing Oikawa a pair of chopsticks. "That sounds fun." Oikawa grins at the idea. "Would you settle with a kiss from me as a gift?" Oikawa teases and you roll your eyes. "If you were my boyfriend." You nonchalantly answer. Oikawa stiffens next to Y/L/N, pondering on the idea. "What do you usually get as gifts Oikawa?" You take a bite of your tuna sushi. "Clothes usually. I don't have the heart to tell my family I want other things than that." Oikawa wears a small smile, dipping his tuna sushi in some soy sauce.

"What do you want this year?" You lower your plate down, looking over at Oikawa. "If it's too expensive for a university student to afford, don't bother telling me."

"Damn, I guess I'll kiss my corvette goodbye." Oikawa sarcastically jokes.

"Get you a sugar mommy before Christmas and I'm sure you'll get that corvette." You joke along with Oikawa. "I'll pass." Oikawa chuckles.

"Seriously, what do you want? The only things I really know about you is that you drink a lot of alcohol and mess around with girls." You poke the top of your sushi. "And that you love volleyball. Just not as much as Kageyama does."

"Don't compare me to him. That ruins my mood." Oikawa grumbles, eating another piece of sushi. You flick your eyes over to Oikawa. "The two of you really hate being compared to one another." You smirk at the thought, shaking your head. "I'm sure whatever you get me will be fine. Just don't get Kageyama something similar." Oikawa narrows his eyes on you. You slowly nod your head, still clueless as to what gift you'll get for Oikawa.

"What do you want Y/L/N?" Oikawa places his plate down on the table and you do the same. "Hmm..." You stare at the ceiling. The one thing you want isn't something you could just buy at the store. You purse your lips together and turn your attention over to Oikawa. "It's a priceless gift."

"So you do want that kiss?" Oikawa jokes and you grab one of the decorative pillows next to you, throwing it at him. He easily catches it, laughing.

"You coming over here for Christmas is a gift in itself Oikawa." You speak from the heart when you look at him. Oikawa notices the serious gaze Y/L/N holds and his laughter fades away. He hears the loud thumping of his heartbeat in his eardrums. You realize how cheesy you sound, a blush creeping across your face. You lightly slap your cheeks and look away. Oikawa quietly exhales, the corner of his lips curl up.

Y/L/N's constantly making his heart race for her today. 

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