Kageyama on the mind

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"Tōru, get up." Your hands grip Oikawa's shoulder and you roughly shake him up. He only grumbles and whines, pulling the blanket over himself. Exhaling under your breath, you yank the blankets off of him. He shivers from the lack of warmth. "You're such a bully Y/N." Oikawa frowns, his eyes still closed.

"We can't have Iwaizumi and Kyōtani wait on us." You lean over, pressing a kiss to Oikawa's cheek. A smile forms on his face when he feels Y/N's soft lips. "Fine." Oikawa slowly flutters his eyes open, turning his attention over to you. "Oh wow." Oikawa widens awake when he sees you in your kimono. "You should've told me how beautiful you look. I would've jolted awake." Oikawa extends his hands out, begging you to come over to him for a hug. Shaking your head, you grab his wrist and tug on him.

"You can hug me standing up. I'm not going to be tricked into being in the bed with you mister." You stick your tongue out playfully. Oikawa pouts, eyes downcast.

"You know me so well already." Oikawa murmurs, getting out of bed to envelope you. Resting your head against his chest, you wrap your arms around his waist. "Your phone is also going crazy since midnight." You murmur into Oikawa's chest. "It'll go even crazier when I take photos of you in your kimono." Oikawa pulls away and takes a good look at you, a grin beaming from him. A small smile forms on your face and your cheeks tinge a soft pink.

"Hurry up and get ready." You push Oikawa towards the bathroom. "Fine, fine~" Oikawa hums, closing the bathroom door behind him. You reach for your phone in your purse, staring at the text you sent Kageyama. You wished him a Happy New Year when midnight struck and he read the text but never replied back. Feeling a wave of anxiety, you place your phone back into your purse. Your friendship won't go back to normal that easily.

"Y/N, did I put the kimono on properly?" Oikawa fusses with his belt and you hurry over to help him align it correctly. Your eyes slowly take in Oikawa. "Are you falling in love with me all over again?" Oikawa whispers, his hand gently lifting your chin up towards his eyes. "Yeah." You mimic his whisper, smiling.

Oikawa blushes from your honesty, his eyes avoiding your gentle ones. You lace your fingers with Oikawa's and pull him towards the front entrance. "Let's not waste anymore time Tōru."

"Right behind you." Oikawa smirks, sliding on his wooden kimono shoes. "We're going to freeze in these outfits." Oikawa shivers involuntarily from the thought.

"The things we do for beauty." You giggle.


"IWA-CHAN!" Oikawa calls out to Iwaizumi who's looking down at his cellphone at the entrance of the shrine. The two of you make your way over to Iwaizumi. "Wow, you two look nice in your kimonos." Iwaizumi eyes Oikawa and then you. "Right? We outshine everyone here." Oikawa confidently looks over at you with a smile.

"I wouldn't say that..." You murmur, noticing other couples around you. Oikawa scoffs, "You're too humble Y/N. But that's another reason why I love you." Oikawa leans in for a kiss but Iwaizumi clears his throat, catching Oikawa's attention. "Where's Kyōtani, Iwaizumi?" You giggle at Oikawa's defeated expression when you place a finger over his lips.

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