It's not fair.

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"Why am I here?" Tsukishima finds himself at a bar with Kageyama, Hinata, and Yamaguchi. He grumbles, taking a sip of his beer. "It's not often Kageyama calls us all together." Yamaguchi whispers next to Tsukishima. Tsukishima flicks his eyes over to Kageyama. He's been silent the entire night, his eyes distant and his face stuck in a look of misery.

"Well, he's not making it any easier for me to stay here when he's just being quiet." Tsukishima leans back in the booth, crossing his arms. Hinata glances at Kageyama from the corner of his eye. He bites his bottom lip, parting his lips slightly to question Kageyama. Kageyama places the bottle of beer in his hand down on the table a bit roughly. Yamaguchi tenses beside Tsukishima, their attention towards him.

"What do you do when a girl you like, likes someone else?" Kageyama's low voice filters out of his throat. Tsukishima scrunches his face, putting a hand to his face. "Did you really call us out here to talk about stupid shit like that?" Tsukishima doesn't hold back his tongue. "Tsukki!" Yamaguchi elbows Tsukishima in the side. "Sorry, Kageyama. Tsukishima has no sympathy in that department.

"Does Y/L/N like someone else?" Hinata speaks up, peering at Kageyama. Kageyama clenches his teeth when he hears Hinata beside him. "She's your childhood friend right?" Yamaguchi asks, tilting his head to the side.

"Damn. Even your childhood friend doesn't want you?" Tsukishima mumbles, a dark grin on his face. Hinata kicks Tsukishima under the table which makes him wince. Kageyama groans loudly, downing another bottle of beer. He raises his hand up to call a server over for another bottle.

"I expected her to not return my feelings but...for it to actually happen." Kageyama cuts himself off. He closes his eyes and exhales deeply. The three quietly listen to him. Neither of them are sure what to say to him. " said you expected it, right?" Tsukishima looks at Kageyama, uncrossing his arms. Kageyama flutters his eyes open to look at Tsukishima. "At least you gave yourself a head start in getting heartbroken." Tsukishima speaks nonchalantly, not feeling sympathetic to Kageyama in the slightest.

The server comes back with Kageyama's beer. Kageyama holds the cold beer in his heated palms, his fingers twirling the top of the bottle. "I think I would be less hurt if the person she fell for isn't someone I despise." Kageyama mumbles. Yamaguchi purses his lips, tempted to ask who the person is. "Is it someone we also know?" Hinata questions, both eyebrows raised. Kageyama couldn't say Oikawa's name aloud. He didn't even want to think of him at all. Raising the beer to his lips, he starts to chug the beer down.

"You should know Hinata, you've been around the two more than we have. I never even met the girl." Tsukishima turns his eyes over to Hinata. Hinata scratches the side of his head, his eyes lost. "I would've met her if I wasn't drowning in classwork..." Yamaguchi speaks more to himself than the others. "You don't ever need to meet her Tsukishima. You're her type too." Kageyama grumbles when he looks over at Tsukishima.

"Her type?" Tsukishima raises an eyebrow, unsure if that's a compliment or not. Hinata seems to realize who Kageyama is upset over, his eyes lighting up. "OIKAWA!" Hinata blurts out the answer. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi both wear an alarmed expression while Kageyama's face contorts into one of hatred.

"Oikawa is the girl stealer?" Yamaguchi carefully speaks up, looking over to Kageyama. Kageyama's face scrunches up and his heart shatters again. He calls for another drink but Hinata stops him. "I think you need to cool off on the beers Kageyama. You've made a little collection in the corner already." Ten bottles of beers are stacking up in the corner of the table.

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