Please tell me you feel it too.

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The night seems to drag when you down another shot of soju. Kageyama notices your redden cheeks and he stops you from pouring another glass. "Y/N, I'm cutting you off." The shot glass in your hand easily slips out from your fingertips. "No." You whine out, trying to grab your shot glass back. "I'm not letting you repeat another night with Oikawa." Kageyama flicks his eyes past you. Oikawa tilts his head to Kageyama, a smirk on his face.

"Don't be a party pooper Kageyama." Hinata slurs his words, snatching the shot glass back for you. It seems like you and Hinata are the light weights of the group. You thank Hinata when he fumbles to pour you another shot. The two of you clinking your glasses against each other before knocking your heads back, quickly consuming the cold alcohol that warms your insides.

Yachi looks a bit flustered, unable to calm her boyfriend down. "Um, maybe we should call it a night?" Yachi tries to sit Hinata up straight, his body slumping forward. Oikawa quietly chuckles at the comedic outcome. You hear him laugh to himself and you furrow your brows together. "What's so funny Oikawa?"

"Nothing." Oikawa clears his throat, taking out his wallet. He places his portion down and looks over at you. "Will you be okay going home?"

"I'll take her home." Kageyama interjects himself into the conversation. "No, you won't. I want Oikawa to take me home." You blurt out, your drunken eyes look over to Kageyama. "Go call that girl." Kageyama and Oikawa both share a look of shock. Both for two different reasons.

"What girl?" Kageyama grumbles at you.

"Stop pretending you don't know." You fumble to stand up, grabbing your purse to take your wallet out to pay for your drinks. You leave shortly after, stumbling out of the restaurant. "Woah, you have a girl Kageyama?" Hinata hiccups, Yachi helps him stand up. Kageyama furrows his brows, unsure what Y/N's rambling on about. Oikawa grabs her coat off her seat and hurries after Y/L/N.

You shiver once you step outside, your hands rubbing against your arms.

"I know you're in a hurry to get away from Kageyama, but at least remember your coat next time." Oikawa speaks from behind you. He grabs hold of your hand and pulls you to the side so you're not blocking the door. Oikawa hands you your coat but you don't take it from him. "Let me be cold." You mumble. Oikawa peers at your face, noticing a deep frown. "What's gotten you this upset Y/L/N?" He lifts one of your arms up, sliding one side of the coat on for you. "I'm not telling." You pout, raising your other arm up so Oikawa can tuck you into your coat.

"Fine by me." Oikawa says sarcastically. Your brows furrow, you actually wanted him to pry it out of you. You silently huff under your breath, slowly walking away from Oikawa. "Did you really want me to take you home?" Oikawa asks before following after you. "Or are you just doing this to get back at Kageyama?" You stop in your tracks, turning to look over at Oikawa. Thinking right now only makes you upset. The only thing you really know is that you didn't want to be near Kageyama.

You stumble your way back to Oikawa and lace your fingers with his long ones. "Comfort me tonight Oikawa." Oikawa tenses when he hears Y/N's soft tone. He inhales sharply. Her tone easily makes him melt into her grasp. With his free hand, he tucks her stray hair behind her ear. "Are you sure you want that Y/L/N?"

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