Selfish jealousy

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It's been a week since Oikawa has deactivated his social media account and he's unsure what to do with himself. You raise your camera up to capture his lifeless expression. "And here we have a man who's never taken the time to enjoy life around him." You sarcastically say with a smirk.

"Y/N, why is he even here?" Kageyama grumbles, crossing his arms. Kageyama dragged you out to another get together and you figured you would drag Oikawa so the two of you are forced to go. "Oikawa is trying his hardest to be our friend Tobio."

"Yours, not Kageyama's." Oikawa corrects you. He slouches forward in his seat. "Where are your friends anyway?" An unimpressed look forms on his face. "We're the early ones Oikawa. They'll be here in a few minutes." Kageyama narrows his eyes on Oikawa. "I'm going to step out and call Hinata." Kageyama leaves your side and you turn your attention to Oikawa. You watch him pathetically open PICstagram, staring at the login page.

The day after Oikawa deactivated your account, rumors only continue to spread all over social media. People found it suspicious that both of your accounts were deactivated after five minutes of the forum being published. It didn't bother you much if you couldn't get on PICstagram since you hardly interacted with anyone on there. However, Oikawa surrounded his entire life around the app. You give him a slight nudge. "Hey, you addict."

Oikawa weakly groans at your words. You've never seen Oikawa look so beat down before. You purse your lips, exhaling. "Are you trying to make me worry over you?" Your soft tone pulls Oikawa away from his phone, he turns to look at you and notices your downcast expression. "Sorry, don't make that face." Oikawa carefully touches your face with his hands. He pulls the corner of your lips up, making a smile. You grab hold of his wrists and pull his hands away. "I invited you out so you wouldn't wallow alone in your apartment." You knit your brows together. Oikawa tenses in your hands, his eyebrow raises and he's taken aback.

"You care about me Y/L/N?" Oikawa carefully asks the question and you avert your eyes, biting your bottom lip. "Well, you've done a lot to clean up the mess you've caused. Consider this as me trying to help you." A small smile forms on Oikawa's face and you turn to look at him. "Is that a real smile or a fake one." You bluntly ask Oikawa, releasing your hold on his wrists. "All of my smiles are real Y/L/N." Oikawa lightly chuckles, seeming more lively than earlier.

"Bullshit." You turn away from him, turning to look towards the entrance of the restaurant. "Tobio is taking his time with his phone call." You mumble. "You must care about him a lot Y/L/N." Oikawa pulls your attention back to him. You glance over at Oikawa who's swirling his straw around his water. "I wonder if he appreciates the small things you do for him." You grow quiet, unsure how to respond to Oikawa. "I guess what you are to Kageyama, is what Iwa-chan is to me. The two of you seem to go out of your way for the other despite not wanting to do so."

"That's what best friends do." You speak up.

"Yeah, I guess they do." Oikawa wears a sad smile.

"Have you not done the same for Iwaizumi?" You watch Oikawa shake his head.

"He doesn't lean on me like I do for him. Iwaizumi is the kind to keep his problems to himself. Just like you." Oikawa turns his eyes to you, his fingers pulling away from his straw. "Are you the girl version of Iwa-chan I've been looking for?" Oikawa turns a serious conversation into a playful tease. You groan, turning away from him. "You can't stay serious for more than two minutes. I'm going to get Tobio." You stand up from your seat but Oikawa grabs hold of your hand. "Wait, don't leave me alone." Oikawa frowns. The warmth of his hand stings you but not in a way that you hated it. It takes you a moment to recollect yourself. You pull your hand away and walk towards the entrance of the door.

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