I'll miss you.

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You've survived the final week of projects, tests, and classwork with one class left which is your photography class. Once you turn in your photos for the assignment, you're free to enjoy your much needed break until the start of next year. You flip through the portfolio which consists a lot of landscape images, Kageyama, and towards the end there's photos of Oikawa.

It's been so busy lately that you haven't had the time to talk to either of them. Your eyes waver when you see a photo of Kageyama. Pressing your lips together, you close your portfolio and walk up to your professor. "Here's my assignment." You hand your portfolio over and your professor thanks you. "Enjoy the holiday and new year Y/L/N." Your professor waves goodbye to you and you thank her, wishing her the same. Exiting the class, you pull out your phone and debate whether you should contact Kageyama. You wanted to see him tonight before he left tomorrow morning for Miyagi.

Steeling your nerves, you hit the call button under Kageyama's name. The deafening dial tone rings in your ear. The automated voice plays back and you lower the phone with a frown. "Y/N." Kageyama's deep voice calls out to you. Your frown disappears when you hear him.

"Tobio." You whisper his name with a smile, you hurry over to him. A feeling of relief washes over you when you stand in front of him. "I thought you were starting early on avoiding me." You mumble under your breath. Kageyama stares at the top of your head with wavering eyes. "No, I just figured I would see you in person before I leave tomorrow." He rests a hand on the top of your head, gently stroking your hair with his trembling hand. "Are you going to be okay by yourself?"

"Don't worry about me." You wear a soft smile. "Oh, before I forget." Sliding your backpack off your shoulders, you unzip your backpack and reach inside for a small box. You gently grab Kageyama's hand and place the box in his palm. "Merry early Christmas Tobio." You smile towards him. Kageyama is surprised by the gift in his hand.

"You didn't have to get me anything." Kageyama shyly scrunches his nose, cheeks pink.

"Of course I do. Open it." You nudge the present closer to him. Kageyama lifts the lid off of the box and there sits a silver anklet with his initials. "You said a ring would get in your way when you're playing volleyball, so I thought this anklet would be better." Kageyama flicks his eyes to you, confused. "I thought you were looking up rings for Oikawa?"

"You assumed that. I never said it was for him. I was going to get us a matching friendship ring but hearing your response about it changed my mind." You playfully stick your tongue out. "I was worried you'd find this girly." Your eyes look back down to the anklet. Kageyama shakes his head, his fingers carefully take the anklet out of the box. The letters TK sparkle in the sunset glow light. A smile tugs on Kageyama's lips. "This might be a good luck charm."

You're happy when you hear Kageyama's response. He leans down and lifts his pants up, clasping the anklet around his leg. He then puts the empty present box into his backpack, unveiling a gift for you. A small bag extends towards you and you hold your hands out to take it from Kageyama. You open up the bag and see a small box.

Did Kageyama also get you jewelry?

You take the box out of the bag and open up the top lid to see a golden bracelet. A tiny teddy bear charm dangles from it. The corner of your lips tug into a smile when you see the teddy bear. "Did you happen to pick a bracelet with a bear on it?" Kageyama helps you clasp the bracelet on your wrist. His fingers graze against your skin making your chest tighten. "No. I still remember your collection of bears back at home. You threatened me one day saying the bears make a better friend than I did when I started playing volleyball more intensely." Kageyama dryly chuckles when he recalls the past. You also laugh along with him.

"I can't believe all the dumb things I would say." Your eyes twinkle when you shake your wrist around to see the bear dangle. Kageyama soaks in Y/N's smile, his heart racing. "Should we get dinner together before we part ways?" Kageyama timidly asks.

"Sure." You wrap your arm around Kageyama's, tugging him along towards the entrance of the university. Kageyama savors the moment, his eyes glancing over to Y/N's small smile. "What are you in the mood for?" Lifting your head up, you look over to Kageyama. "Should we get some ramen?" Kageyama shrugs, tossing out an idea. "Sounds good." A smile forms on your face and the two of you decide which ramen shop to go to. The decision is difficult with the amount of options.


The two enjoy of you each others company, making small talk while finishing off your ramens in a tiny corner of the restaurant.

"Are you still watching movies by yourself on Christmas day?" Kageyama dips his spoon into the broth, taking a sip. Shaking your head, you lower your chopsticks. You debated whether or not to bring it up that Oikawa is coming over.

Would telling Kageyama ruin the mood?

Kageyama pauses briefly, pressing his lips into a fine line. "Is he coming over?" Kageyama avoids saying Oikawa's name and you silently nod your head. "Don't drink too much alcohol with him." Kageyama extends his hand out and pinches your cheek. He tries to force a smile and you can feel your chest ache. "I won't." A small smile forms on your face. "Make sure to tell your grandpa and sister, I said hello."

Kageyama nods his head, placing his spoon down and pushing the bowl towards the middle of the table. The two of you finish your ramen and Kageyama insists to pay for the bill. After paying, the two of you enter back out into the busy night street. "Looks like people are last minute shopping still." You stare at the huge crowds. "Hopefully they get whatever they're looking for either today or tomorrow." Kageyama tugs you closer to him and away from the crowd. "Well, I should head back and start packing my things. I have an early bus to catch in the morning."

You couldn't help but frown when you look up at Kageyama. You won't see him again until the first week of January. Kageyama lowers his eyes to your lips, a frown also on his face. "Don't look so sad. I'm sure you won't have time to miss me when you're with him." Kageyama dryly chuckles.

"Stop it Tobio." You grumble, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Of course I'll miss you. No one's going to lecture me about my unnecessary amount of sweets I'll be consuming over the break."

"I'll make sure to call you during the break then." Kageyama returns your embrace, his arms give you a tight squeeze. You stay like this for another minute before pulling away. "Make sure to tell me when you make it safely to Miyagi." You whisper to Kageyama. He nods his head, sliding his hands back into his pockets.

"Get home safe Y/N." A smile forms on Kageyama's face, he watches her blend into the crowd before making his way to the train station.

The cold wraps you around it's finger again when you walk alone. You raise your wrist out and stare at the bracelet Kageyama's gifted you. A small smile etches onto your face, your eyes watering. You could imagine Kageyama pondering seriously when he picked this out for you. You're incredibly thankful to have a friend like him.

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