Chapter 2: Goodbye Seattle.

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January 10, 2005
Dear Diary,
hello again... I write daily, I know but today... Today is different. I'm 17 now, as of October 31, 2004. My mother found out what my did and why he did it, and guess what? She believes me.

My father passed away when I was fifteen, according to my mom. I have two siblings. A big brother I hardly remember and a half sister who I knew nothing about.

I'm finally busting out of this mental hospital which I found out is in Seattle, Washington. Mom told me when she first visited me last month. She's bringing me to live with her and my siblings in Forks. I am so excited.

Raelynn sighs her name with the outlines of brains again, she brushes her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear as she scans over her entry of today. She smiles. She is finally getting out of this mental hospital and going to live with her living parent. Her mother. In Forks, Washington.

Raelynn is both nervous and excited. Nervous because she doesn't know Forks, she isn't used to it. It'll be a new school, new people, and more people she will have to avoid touching. Excited because she gets to finally meet her siblings, and see her mom again for thr first time in twelve years.

Raelynn smiles softly to herself and she closes her diary before standing from the chair and going over to her bed to continue packing.

Mary Anne, Caleb, and Carla Jones walk through the halls of Seattle Mental Hospital after stepping off of a small elevator. Caleb and Carla are both thankful to be off that tight fitting, metal box. Mary Anne is just energized to see her daughter again.

"Who does she look like?" Caleb asks as he tightens his man bun once again.

"Your father, unfortunately," Mary Anne fellows. "Strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, pale yet beautifully complected."

"What did you say her name was again?" Carla asls curioisly as she falls into step beside her big brother.

"Raelynn, meaning light," Mary replies. "Raelynn Elianna Jones."

Carla nods as Mary goes to talk with the main lady. Carla looks around and sees a lot of people who are actually crazy. A man with crazy eyes looks right at her and she quickly grabs Caleb's hand, he smiles down at his fourteen year old sister and he scowls at the crazed man who looked at her.

"She's on her way, you two," Mary says to her kids. "Behave, yeah?"

"Yes, mom," Carla replies. "I'm excited to meet my sister!"

"Yay, another girl!" Caleb cheers sarcastically.

Mary rolls her eyes at her son's words and she sees Carla's brown eyes light up. She dark eyed woman turns and she sees her daughter. Raelynn is dressed in some black leggings, a floral dress with thin straps, a denim jacket, and some leather boots. Her strawberry blonde hair is in fishnet brain, and her hazel eyes hold hope.

"Hey, Rae," Mary greets. "Remember me?"

"I remember you," Raelynn replies. "You visited me last month, not last year... mom." She says 'mom' slowly, testing the word, and she smiles.

"This is your brother, Caleb, and your little sister, Carla," Mary claims.

Carla smiles at Raelynn. "It i hug you, will you see my thoughts?"

"Only if I touch your hand, or bare arm," Raelynn replies. "My... curse works with bare skin."

"More like blessing," Caleb muses as he wraps an arm around Raelynn, careful not to make skin-to-skin contact. "I'd love to hear some people's thoughts."

"Let's go to the mall before we go home," Mary says. "Raelynn, how would you like a pair of leather gloves for school?"

Raelynn's eyes light up. "I would love that."

Mary Anne smiles before she leaves the girl out. Caleb catches up quickly and he grabs Rae's suitcase to carry it out for her. Carla is walking beside Raelynn, talking about how cold and rainy Forks is, so she would have the perfect excuse to wear her gloves daily.

"Wouldn't they judge inside the school?" Rae asks.

"Nope," Caleb asks from the backseat wirh Carla, he's letting Rae ride up front today. "They keep them as cold on the inside as it is outside, if not colder. You'll be fine." He reaches up and he undoes his bun, his hair falls to his lower back. "Mom, what about sunny days when the temp is in the mid to upper sixties?"

"I can be careful not to touch anyone," Raelynn suggests.

"We can attempt it," Mary replies. "We don't have many sunny days in Forks, anyhow."

Raelynn nods and she lays her head against the cold glass, and she watches as the rain water falls down the window. A smile forms on Rae's lips, she's finally leaving Seattle, and going to a place she can hopefully call home.

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