Chapter 26: Acceptance

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Raelynn is sitting at the table in the throne room while Carlisle talks quietly with Aro. Rae is reading through the ledger of vampires, with permission from the kings. She looks through the criminals who are dead and the better ones who are still roaming earth.

The witch, who's name is Rayna Salvatore, is sitting with Raelynn. Rae and Rayna get alone pretty well. Rae loves the fact that the girl's a witch. She read through her thoughts too, with Rayna's permission, of course.

There is a knock on the door. Demitri and Renata are quick it open it. Felix soon walks in with Rosalie and Emmett.

Aro claps his hands together as he walks away from Carlisle. Caius and Marcus soon re-emerge the throne room and they have seats in their thrones. Rayna stands and she walks over to the throne steps.

Rayna has olive skin, brown eyes, and some shoulder length, brown hair.

"Have you decided?" Aro asks the couple.

"We have," Rosalie replies. "We accept."

Rayna beams. "These are the vampires?" 

"Yes, Rayna," Aro says. "Rosalie, Emmett, this is Rayna. She is the one who invited the potion."

"I have one question," Rosalie says.

"I suspected you would," Rayna claims. "What is it?"

"Have you done this before?" Rosalie asks.

"Yes," Rayna replies. "Five times. In China, California, Japan, Texas, and North Carolina. All were successful and have beautiful teenagers now."

"How old are you?" Emmett blurts, and he bites his lip. "Sorry."

"No, you're fine," Rayna smiles. "I am the same age as Aro."

"Sweet," Emmett smiles as he steps back.

"All right," Rayna says as she walks over to the table where Rae is and she pulls a brief fade up from the floor and opens in.

Inside the briefcase, there are two vials of a red substance.

"These are the elixirs I mixed together, the potion as the kings probably put it," Rayna explains as the three Cullens gather around her.  "You have two choices. I can mix them with some human blood and you can take it them. It takes a couple hours to kick in that way. Or you could drink them raw, straight from the vials. It works instantly that way."

"Vials," Rosalie says. "Please."

Rayna smiles as she grabs them both and extends her hands. "Throw them back like you would a shot of patron."

Emmett smirks at the metaphors. He and Rosalie throw the vials back, allowing the sour tasting elixir going down their throats. Rosalie feels her insides tingle and suddenly...

"I have to pee!" She gasps.

"Go," Rayna muses. "Them come back, Felix will show you to a private, soundproof room."

Rosalie flashes away.

Emmett looks down awkwardly. "This is fast working."

Rayna laughs. "I told you."

Rae sees what he meets. "God. If I wasn't lesbian, Rosalie would have serious competition."

Rosalie comes back and she looks at Emmett. "Are you ready?"

"Oh, yes," Emmett says.

"God save me," Felix growls before he follows Rosalie and Emmett.

"Now, Carlisle..." Rayna turns to him. "I'm Rayna Salvatore, I'm a witch. I was wondering if I could join your coven."

"She has been wanting to ask you that since last night when you guys arrived," Aro says.

"Sure," Carlisle replies.

"Thanks!" Rayna chants. "Can I borrow a guard so I can go pack? I'll leave with them."

Aro nods and he assigns Demitri to her. Renata joins Rae at the table. Rae looks away from the book and she talks to her friend while the kings and Carlisle walk up to the balcony above the thrones to talk while Emmett and Rosalie make a baby.

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